Stanley Park Spring Break EcoCamps 2023
byKids can experience the joys of the great outdoors this spring break at Stanley Park EcoCamps. They’ll uncover mysteries of the natural world, engage in curious exploration, and have fun with other children with these fun nature-based adventures.

Stanley Park Spring Break EcoCamps
These week-long adventure day camps for campers aged 7 to 11 will explore the wetlands, beaches, and forests of Stanley Park.
Registration is now open! EcoCamp rates are $325 for a full week and $295 for member families. Stanley Park Ecology Society memberships can be purchased here.
March 13 to 17, 2023: Forest Explorers (ages 7 to 11)
Venture into the forests of Stanley Park during this week of exploration. Get to know the local trees, plants, and animals that live in our local forests. Where do birds nest? How do species work together? What lives on the forest floor? Play games and expand your knowledge under nature’s canopy.
March 20 to 24, 2023: Signs of Spring (ages 7 to 11)
Spring in Stanley Park means vibrant greens, fresh air, and an abundance of growth. We’ll hone our senses to unlock its seasonal secrets and changes. Which plants are blooming? Who has migrated back? Where are the frogs? What’s making that sound? The forest, wetlands, and beaches are a wondrous place with many exciting mysteries just waiting to be explored.
The Stanley Park Ecology Society is a registered non-profit that promotes awareness of and respect for the natural world through collaborative environmental education, research, and conservation in Stanley Park. Visit the Nature House at Lost Lagoon on weekends, 10:00am to 4:00pm.
Related: Adopt-An-Animal in Stanley Park