BC Distilled Returns After a Two Year Break

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After being on hold since 2020, BC Distilled returns for its seventh annual event. This year’s event will feature two smaller capacity tasting sessions (one in the afternoon, one in the evening) in order to keep the space less crowded and put its distillers, volunteers, and guests at more ease.

BC Distilled Returns for 2022
Noteworthy Gin (Nora Hamade)/. Photo submitted.

BC Distilled Returns for 2022

In addition to many veteran participants, several new distilleries will be joining the event this year to pour samples of their locally made spirits. The main festival will take place on Saturday, April 9 at the Croatian Cultural Centre (3250 Commercial Drive, Vancouver). Early bird tickets are on sale now for $59.99.

Participating Distilleries:

Alchemist DistillerMisguided Spirits Craft Distillery
Ampersand Distilling CompanyMixers and Elixirs
Bespoke Spirits HouseMonashee Spirits Craft Distillery
Bruinwood Estate DistilleryMontis Distilling
Callister Craft SodaOdd Society Spirits
Copperpenny DistillingOne Foot Crow
DEVINE DistilleryResurrection Spirits
Fernie DistillersShelter Point Distillery
Forbidden Spirits Distilling CorpSons of Vancouver Distillery
Indigenous World SpiritsStillhead Distillery Inc.
Lavish LiquidThe Dubh Glas Distillery
Lucid Spirits Distilling Co.Tumbleweed Spirits
Mad Laboratory DistillingWayward Distillery
Maple Leaf Spirits Inc.Wiseacre Farm Distillery
BC Distilled

In addition to the main tasting event, there are two other opportunities to engage with BC’s local distilling community:

April 6, 2022 at Copperpenny Distillery in North Vancouver
BC Whisky Tasting hosted by Davin de Kergommeaux
BC Distilled is proud to host a BC whisky tasting led by Davin de Kergommeaux, a drinks writer, public speaker and spirits judge, who is recognized as the world expert on Canadian whisky. Each attendee will get a signed copy of The Definitive Guide to Canadian Distilleries (co-written with Blair Phillips).

April 8, 2022 at Forage in Downtown Vancouver
Distillers Dinner at Forage
Executive Chef Welbert Choi will feature five cocktail and spirit samples from BC distilleries, paired with five terroir-based courses. An optional cocktail reception preceding the dinner will be hosted at next door’s BeSide, with a sixth distillery providing cocktails.

BC Distilled continues its partnership with Pacific Assistance Dogs Society (PADS), who will be at the show with dogs and puppies for attendees to interact with. The festival will feature a silent auction generously supported by the exhibitors, as well as a 50/50 draw.

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