Aunt Leah’s Place Birthday Donation Matching
byWith over three decades of service, supporting moms at risk of losing custody or who want to regain custody of their children, Aunt Leah’s birthday is something to celebrate. Over the last 32 years, the local organization has transformed hundreds of lives through various programs.

Aunt Leah’s Place Birthday
Programs and services for women and their children have seen a greater demand with the development of the pandemic. The need for increased supportive housing for adult women and children connected to Aunt Leah’s Place is evident.
Aunt Leah’s Thresholds program is responding to the growing demand for safe and supported housing for new moms who are at risk of losing custody of their children, by expanding services with a third house. They know now, more than ever, the importance of keeping these families together and breaking the cycles of intergenerational trauma.
Donation Matching
You can make a donation to help provide a safe, caring home environment for young families that will offer essential life skills, cultural teachings, food security, cooking training, health and wellness care, and 24-hour family support workers. Thanks to a generous supporter your donation will be matched up to $10,000 in honour of the upcoming birthday of Aunt Leah’s Place when you give a gift between June 29 and July 19, 2021.
$10,000 will go towards Aunt Leah’s Foundation, making it possible to build a new house for the Thresholds program and $10,000 will go towards services for the moms and babies in the Thresholds program.
About Aunt Leah’s Place
Aunt Leah’s Place helps kids in foster care and young mothers achieve a better future. They do this by providing guidance, supported housing, job training and coaching on essential life skills. They believe every individual deserves to feel safe, cared for, and have a sense of belonging.
Unfortunately, this is not a reality for many teens in the foster care system. When they “age out” of government care at 19, they find themselves completely alone. Aunt Leah’s often provides the only thread of care and continuity for youth whose lives are marked by abuse, neglect, abandonment and multiple foster home placements. Over the years, they have seen how support at this critical time can help these young people realize their potential while becoming resilient, independent adults.
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