Join the Insights West Feedback Community

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

When it comes to COVID-19 restrictions, 34% of British Columbians follow recommendations “nearly all of the time”, which is statistically lower than other provinces, according to a survey by Insights West. “According to Insights West” is a term frequently heard or read in news broadcasts, that’s because people like you and me sign up for surveys and provide valuable input, views and perspectives which allows for research and insightful analysis.

Insights West Community
Only 34% of BC residents claim they are following all of the rules all of the time, which is 14 points to 22 points lower than in other regions.

You can now sign up to to be part of the Insights West Feedback Community, a community of BC residents that participate in research on a variety of topics relevant to you. Share your opinions, have a say, and give feedback directly to local businesses, government or other organizations that operate in your community, in BC and across Canada.

Insights West Community
A significant number of BC residents are experiencing more worry (62%), stress (60%), anxiety (59%), and boredom (59%), compared to pre-pandemic levels, and those experiencing more loneliness has increased 10 percentage points since September (up to 53%)

Join the Insights West Feedback Community

You can also earn points (that can be exchanged for gift cards) for answering surveys and be rewarded anywhere from $50-$150 worth of gift cards when participating in discussions, focus groups, interviews or taste tests.

  • Recent studies have included topics like:
    • Taste test for flavoured sparkling water
    • Surveys asking for opinions on government initiatives/restrictions relating to COVID-19
    • Discussion board about wine and wineries
    • Studies about willingness to get the vaccine
    • In-depth interviews about public transit
    • Polling on upcoming election

Earn 100 points (equivalent of $1) for signing up right now or signing up after you take the Miss604 survey! Insights West doesn’t sell any information, and your responses are strictly confidently. To get started, you can provide feedback on the Miss604 survey:

Insights West Community
What kind of events are you most looking forward to attending again, post COVID?

Sign up here without completing the survey if you prefer. I’ll share the results of this poll, according to Insights West, with your feedback when they become available.

With hundreds of public releases issued since 2012, Insights West has established itself as an unofficial “pollster of record” in Western Canada, covering public policy issues, consumer and societal trends in BC and Canada and correctly predicting the outcomes of 25 out of the 26 elections and plebiscites they have covered.

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