Pi Theatre’s Provocateurs Presentation Series
byPi Theatre’s Provocateurs Presentation Series features Macbeth Muet, and the Canadian premiere of Frequencies, streamed online February 18 to 21, 2021.

Pi Theatre’s Provocateurs Presentation Series
Tickets: Starting at $15 available now
February 18-19, 2021 at 7:00pm and 10:00pm
Macbeth Muet is an innovative interpretation of Shakespeare’s play performed by two actors using elaborate sound design, physical theatre, and the manipulation of inanimate objects to represent the play’s characters.
Macbeth Muet completely deconstructs this Shakespeare Tragedy into a fast-paced, visceral theatre experience, using the body, objects as imagery, and a ton of fake blood. Produced by La Fille du Laitier, entire scenes are reduced to a single look as Shakespeare’s complex and beautiful poetry is rendered mute, and searing. And through it all, a couple is transformed irrevocably. Created by Jon Lachlan Stewart and Marie Hélène Bélanger Dumas, and directed by Jon Lachlan Stewart, Macbeth Muet presents a world so devoid of morality that human lives become as disposable as styrofoam cups. And the excess – the blood, the scraps, the waste – will all be left behind for future kings. Macbeth Muet is presented via livestream (multi-view or single camera view) with performances broadcasting from the Maison international des arts de la marionette (MIAM) in Montréal, QC.
February 20-21, 2021 at 4:00pm and 8:00pm
Debuting live in real-time from Halifax, in partnership with Pi Theatre, Prairie Theatre Exchange and Theatre Outré, Frequencies is an innovative, solo, and mixed reality performance viewed through the eyes of a second actor wearing a VR headset with a special camera attached. While exploring his connection to his family in what could best be described as one part live techno concert and one part autobiographical confessional, the audience sees Collier and his keyboards augmented by digital scenography. Frequencies premieres nationally via livestream with performances broadcasting from The Bus Stop Theatre in Halifax, NS.
Each production, a display of sheer theatrical invention, includes cutting-edge technology and will be presented virtually, live in real-time from Montreal and Halifax. Follow Pi Theatre on Facebook for more info.