Graveyards and Gardens Livestream: PuSh Rally 2021

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Music on Main is hosting the World Premiere Livestream of Graveyards and Gardens, co-created and co-produced by Caroline Shaw and Vanessa Goodman. This livestream is a part of the PuSh Rally.

Graveyards and Gardens Livestream. Photo by David Cooper
Graveyards and Gardens Livestream. Photo by David Cooper

Graveyards and Gardens Livestream

Where: Online
When: January 28-29, 2021 at 4:30pm and 7:30pm
Tickets: $15, on sale now.

Caroline Shaw, 2013 Pulitzer Prize for Music winner, was Music on Main’s Composer in Residence from 2015-2016, where she shared insight, ideas, and beautiful music with audiences, forming a deep relationship with Vancouver. Vanessa Goodman is the Artistic Director of Action at a Distance Dance Society where she uses her choreography as an opportunity to explore the human condition.

In 2016, Caroline (voice) and Vanessa (dance) performed a captivating improvisation presented by Music on Main & Dances for a Small Stage. Now in 2021, these two exceptional artists come together again and with a new work, Graveyards and Gardens.

The performance takes place among 400 feet of orange sound cables and an arrangement of plants—nature and technology being another synthesis the artists explore. Things begin with a long passage featuring an array of sounds—some come from tape decks, some from a record player, some from old Edison wax recordings. What these two artists make will live on, and this live-streamed genesis is, among other things, a powerful display of the creative process.

Caroline and Vanessa are presenting Graveyards and Gardens specifically for online audiences. The four livestream performances will give audiences a chance to witness a visual and sonic album emerge before their eyes and ears; the artists create new ways of interacting with sounds, and bodies, to shape an analog experience that washes over the senses.

Read more about what to expect when you virtually attend the World Premiere Livestream of Graveyards and Gardens. 

About Music on Main

Now in its 15th Season under founder and Artistic Director David Pay, Music on Main has presented more than 500 concerts and events, featuring over 1,000 musicians, and 100 world premieres, with daring programming for the musically adventurous. Watch and listen to concerts, festivals, and top-notch videos.

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