Fishermen Helping Kids with Cancer Herring Sale

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One of the many, many reasons I love this community is that so many people do what they can, in their own unique way to support local causes. I received a note about this event and I just had to share: The 10th annual Fishermen Helping Kids with Cancer Herring Sale is happening December 5th.

FIshermen Helping Kids with Cancer

Fishermen Helping Kids with Cancer Herring Sale

  • How it Works: Order online and book your time slot for pick-up on December 5, 2020 — there are just four time slots left at time of publishing.
  • Location: Steveston Harbour Authority (12740 Trites Road, Richmond)
  • Cost: $20 per bag (approximately 20lbs)

Pacific herring have soft, off-white flesh with high oil content which offers a wonderful full flavour and lends itself perfectly to many preparations including pickling, smoking, canning and salting. 


The spark for Fishermen Helping Kids with Cancer (“FHKWC”) was the inspirational daughter of a BC commercial fisherman. Moved by her steadfast three year battle with cancer, a fellow fisherman came up with the idea of the BC commercial fishing industry holding a herring sale to help all kids with cancer. Though she helped in the planning, our inspiration died at the age of 17, just a few days before the inaugural herring sale in 2011.

The core founding principle of FHKWC is that 100% of the money is for the kids. So far, FHKWC has raised $650,000. Spending may include money for special food at Christmas; maintaining the video game, book and movie libraries; welcome kits for newly diagnosed patients; and other items or activities normally outside of the hospital budget. On occasion, FHKWC may fund a small capital cost that will directly improve the comfort of kids with cancer. They purchased, for example, a vein finder for testing purposes to see whether it would help reduce the number of times that kids are poked with needles.

Book your herring purchase and pick-up, or you can make a straight-up donation to FHKWC online here. There is also a sale in Victoria on the same weekend, details are on Facebook.

Related: More non-profit and charity news

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