Powell Street Festival Telethon
byThe 44th annual Powell Street Festival was cancelled this year as a physical gathering, due to COVID-19, but the spirit of the festival lives on in the new online telethon happening August 1, 2020.

Powell Street Festival Telethon
When: August 1, 2020 from 2:00pm to 7:00pm
Where: On the Powell Street Festival website. An online pledge campaign will be live on July 1st.
Celebrate Japanese Canadian culture while giving back to your community! Watch live performances, highlights from previous festivals, appearances from festival vendors, and so much more. Tune in with your family and friends to experience the spirit of the festival right from your home.
The Powell Street Festival Society (“PSFS”) produces the annual Japanese Canadian (“JC”) outdoor festival that takes place in the historic JC neighbourhood, Paueru Gai located in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside Side (“DTES”).
The Powell Street Festival is the largest JC festival in the country and the longest running community arts celebration in Vancouver. The mission is to cultivate Japanese Canadian arts and culture to connect communities. The festival thrives on community engagement, collaboration, and accessibility, offering space to Downtown Eastside Organizations among community booths at the festival.
100% of the telethon proceeds will go toward the year round DTES Community Care program. This program brings the JC community together to create a monthly meal program for people in the DTES in partnership with the DTES Community Kitchen network. The funds will also support existing DTES seasonal celebrations including: the Hanami Cherry Blossom Event, Asahi Tribute Game, and Minori Harvest.
The telethon pledge campaign will be launched on July 1, 2020 through CanadaHelps, where you can also make an immediate donation. For updates, follow on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram #PowellStFest.