Girl Guide Cookies at IGA and Fresh St Market
byFollowing the lead of Canadian Tire and London Drugs, you can now get Girl Guide Cookies at IGA and Fresh St Market, who scooped up another 12,000 boxes!
Girl Guide Cookies at IGA and Fresh St Market

Beginning today, Girl Guide cookies will be available at all IGA and Fresh St. Market locations across British Columbia. All proceeds will benefit Girl Guides of Canada’s ongoing programs.
“Since 1927, Girl Guides have been going door-to-door selling cookies to support our programs,” said Diamond Isinger, provincial commissioner for BC, Girl Guides of Canada. “With physical distancing, we know this is not an option at this time and we need to get creative. We are grateful to community-minded organizations like IGA and Fresh St. Market, who have come forward to offer significant logistical support to get our cookies into the homes of British Columbians, and we couldn’t be more grateful.”
Like many organizations, Girl Guides of Canada has had to find alternative ways to meet fundraising goals essential to the organization. IGA and Fresh St Market are now working together with Girl Guides of Canada to retrieve the thousands of boxes of cookies, and in the safest way possible, make these available to customers so they can enjoy the yummy cookies while supporting Girl Guides to continue offering their in-person educational and leadership programs for girls when pandemic protocols lift.
All sales of the cookies will go directly to Girl Guides of Canada; IGA and Fresh St. Market are simply providing a safe distribution network.