Buy Megaphone Magazine Online and Support Your Local Vendor
byThey are the friendly faces you see every day on your street corner, but with social distancing during the COVID-19 outbreak, Megaphone Magazine vendors won’t be out for the foreseeable future. Many of the vendors who rely on street sales will see a significant decrease in their income. The good news is that you can now buy Megaphone Magazine online and support your local vendor.

Buy Megaphone Magazine Online and Support Your Local Vendor
Megaphone is an award-winning street paper sold by 175 homeless and low-income vendors in Vancouver and Victoria. Vendors buy each magazine for 75 cents and sell it for $2—keeping the profit. By selling Megaphone, people experiencing poverty, homelessness and health challenges can earn income through meaningful, dignified work.
“Our vendors are not only vulnerable to income insecurity, but also to COVID-19 as many have compromised immune systems due to other illnesses (COPD, diabetes, HIV, HepC, etc.), not to mention substandard housing and limited access to healthy food and personal hygiene supplies,” says says Megaphone Executive Director Julia Aoki. “While COVID-19 makes vending less possible, it also makes the financial support more crucial.”
In lieu of in-person purchases, Megaphone is encouraging its customers to purchase its latest edition of the monthly magazine through the online store here. Customers can either choose to purchase the magazine for the $2 cover price, or select a higher price point to include a tip. After the purchase, supporters can either direct the funds to their usual vendors by emailing [email protected], or Megaphone will distribute the income among all active vendors. Customers will receive a PDF version of the latest issue of Megaphone magazine via email.