Rover Puppy Patio Yoga

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Puppies and yoga come together for a fun and adorable event! Rover is hosting Rover Puppy Yoga at YYoga’s gorgeous Kitsilano rooftop patio on Wednesday, August 21st.

Rover Puppy Patio Yoga

Rover Puppy Patio Yoga

When: Wednesday August 21st, 2019
Where: YYoga’s rooftop patio (1915 W 4th Ave, Vancouver)
Tickets: Available online

Rover’s Puppy Patio Yoga will be led by experienced YYOGA instructor, Hillary Keegen, who will take you through a beginner friendly yoga class featuring some extra support in the form of puppies

Studies have proven that just 10 minutes with a dog can significantly impact your mood by reducing stress levels. Given the tie between puppies, fitness, and mental health, this event is perfect for anyone looking to get a little active with a furry friend. Puppy Yoga also serves as a great opportunity for the puppies to socialize which helps with their development.

Tickets are $20 with all proceeds going to The Second Chance in Life Foundation, a rescue organization that organizes foster families and adoption for puppies in need of a home. The Second Chance in Life Foundation is supplying the puppies for this event. 

For more information follow YYoga on Twitter and Instagram.

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