Vancouver Biennale Presents the Real Canadian Potluck

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Vancouver Biennale presents the Real Canadian Potluck! Celebrate the beginning of Summer with a thousand other picnickers, revelers, great music, and food on June 27th. All you need to bring is family and friends, a picnic dinner, (with a little extra to share if you’d like), and an appetite to sample an assortment of food sensations created especially for the potluck by local foodies. 

Real Canadian Potluck

Real Canadian Potluck

Where: Vanier Park, Vancouver
When: Thursday, June 27, 2019 at 6:00pm
Admission: Free! Just bring your potluck meal

The gathering place is Paradise Has Many Gates, a Vancouver Biennale public art installation in Vanier Park. This amazing chain-link mosque, by Saudi Arabian artist Ajlan Gharem, is the perfect dramatic backdrop to the event, as it exemplifies what the Biennale is all about – where art is a catalyst for community engagement, social action, dialogue, and learning where we live, work, play, and transit.

Ajlan Gharem‘s Paradise Has Many Gates
Paradise Has Many Gates

Are you interested in sharing your cultural traditions through food? We’re looking for people who make a traditional food item that would give others a taste of where they come from. Everyone from professional chefs to home cooks is welcome to apply. We’re offering financial stipends to cover the cost of ingredients, enough for you to be able to offer a hundred delectable bites to potluck picnickers. If you’re able to offer a food item, please call Sammi at 604-682-1289 (office).

Meet, mingle, share a delicious nosh, and explore and enjoy the many musical and entertainment venues while watching the setting sun.

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