Variety BC Launches Variety Mobility Day with a Block Party

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

Variety – The Children’s Charity of BC is joining all Variety chapters across North America to make a big difference in the lives of local kids during Variety Mobility Day on June 5th.

Variety Mobility Day 2019

Variety Mobility Day will promote accessibility and inclusiveness while raising funds to provide much-needed mobility equipment for children who experience mobility challenges. Locally, Variety BC will be challenging British Columbians to come together to raise enough money to fund two Adaptive Trikes in each of their five health regions.

Variety Mobility Day

Where: 4300 Still Creek Drive in Burnaby
When: Wednesday, June 5, 2019 10:00am to 2:00pm
Admission: FREE! Come join us in person or participate by donating online or text “KIDS” to 45678 to make an automatic $20 contribution.

“Variety has been providing mobility equipment for kids with special needs for more than 50 years,” said Cally Wesson, Variety BC CEO. “We are so looking forward to launching Variety Mobility Day to build awareness while at the same time, raising money to meet the growing demands of kids with mobility challenges.”

Open to the public, the Variety Mobility Day Block Party will include a barbeque and a Sunshine Family Van presentation. In addition, guests will hear from Marco Pasqua, Public Speaker, Entrepreneur & Variety Mobility Day Honourary Chair who will share his childhood challenges as a wheelchair-user and how Variety gives kids who face mobility challenges the freedom and independence essential for both physical and social development.

Both Global BC and 980 CKNW will be on-site while partygoers will have the opportunity to see firsthand the inside of a brand new Sunshine Coach and ride an adult-size Adaptive Trike.

To help Variety reach their fundraising goal of $50,000 to purchase ten Adaptive Trikes, donations can be made online or by texting “KIDS” to 45678 to make an automatic $20 contribution. Additionally donors can register to have their own fundraising page through an online platform which allows individuals and groups to connect with friends, families and co-workers in support of kids with special needs.

Follow Variety BC on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram #VarietyMobilityDay for more info.

Miss604’s Rebecca Bollwitt is Secretary of the Board of Directors of Variety – The Children’s Charity of BC.

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