Put Garbage in its Place with the VanConnect App

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt
Disclosure: Sponsored Post — Sponsored by the City of Vancouver Please review the Policy & Disclosure section for further information.

It’s that time of year when the beach population soars, visitors and locals pack the city for festivals and activities, and we all partake in picnics or delicious take-out from our fine restaurants. While we can do our best to promote “pack out what you pack in”, and we love to keep our city beautiful, all the trash that is generated could pile up.

You can use the City of Vancouver’s VanConnect App to not only report overflowing litter cans in parks and on City streets this season, but you can also use the app to report abandoned garbage throughout the year.

Put Garbage in its Place with the VanConnect App

The free app can be downloaded for Android and iOS, and Blackberry at any time.

You can report all kinds of issues on the VanConnect App, from graffiti to broken street lights and litter, all on the go from the palm of your hand. Abandoned mattress in the alley? Snap a photo and report it for cleanup. You can also find out when to water your lawn, upcoming road closures, and the latest news.

VanConnect App Screenshots

Once you have the app open, click on the Submit Service Request button right in the centre. Garbage & Litter, then select the type.

For abandoned garbage, you can report appliances, donation bin cleanup, electronic waste, furniture, garbage and miscellaneous junk, mattresses/box springs. The next step is to pin point the location on a map, add a photo (optional), fill in a few more location details and submit.

Help keep our City beautiful this summer and beyond!

2 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. JanetThursday, August 9th, 2018 — 9:57am PDT

    Great idea! Nice way to keep our beautiful city clean!

  2. garnetWednesday, April 17th, 2019 — 3:38pm PDT

    this app is a joke. it’s bloated, runs very slowly – oh maybe i’m talking about me. honestly, it’s a great idea but a terrible app. i have no idea how to delete notifications that have come in, they often come in triplicate, and the city rarely gets to any of the things i inform them about. nice try city of vancouver.

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