All Girls Can: Meet the Vancouver Women Helping Educate Girls in Africa

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You don’t need to be local to make an impact. A growing team of women and girls in Vancouver are getting involved in ‘One Girl Can’, a Vancouver based charity who aspires to end poverty and gender inequality through education. All Girls Can make a difference, and these women are proving that!

One of these women is local mother Jen Murtagh. She joined One Girl Can on a trip to Africa, and since returning has been an enthusiastic ambassador as well as sponsoring a girl.

One Girl Can Jen

“I’m the mother of an 8-year-old daughter, and it was when I gave birth to her that I really started recognizing the inequalities that women even here in Canada still face – and it is so much more pervasive in developing countries. I knew then that I wanted to do meaningful work that aided women.”

“People think that to get involved you need to do grandiose gestures – but I always think back to a quote by Mother Theresa: “We cannot do great things, only small things with great love”.

12-year-old Shea is another girl proving that you can make a difference no matter how old you are. She initially became involved through a school fundraising initiative for One Girl Can, and is passionate about creating change in the world.

One Girl Can Shea

“It’s hard knowing that there are parts of the world where girls do not get an education, or the opportunities that I do – their futures are not in their control. I really want to make a change and change the fact that some girls are not able to get an education if they want one.”

One Girl Can’s CEO & Founder Lotte Davis is motivated by a future where all girls, regardless of where they were born, are given equal opportunity.

One Girl Can Lotte

“Efforts to achieve gender equality in developing countries is so important, because if we are going to make a global change we must bring all girls and women with us, it cannot just be a privilege for those women who are born into first world countries. This world would be a completely different place if each and every girl was given the opportunity to have an education.”

You can get involved and make a difference with the ‘All Girls Can’ campaign. The goal is to give three incredible young women in Kenya the chance to go to university. As educated girls, they will create change in their own communities by becoming role models to other young girls, and lifting those around them out of poverty.

Each girl has her own unique and inspiring story.

One Girl Can - All Girls CanRita wants to be a software developer »
Vyonne wants to be a lawyer »
Jackline wants to be a scientist »

Follow each link to make a small donation or share and spread the word! #AllGirlsCan make a difference.

Follow One Girl Can on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for more information.

Miss604 is a proud blog partner of One Girl Can this season. Read about Jen Murtagh’s personal experience traveling to Africa to see the work of One Girl Can in person »

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