Give a Canuck Place Best Day Ever

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Canuck Place Children’s Hospice is giving kids and their families the chance to have their Best Day Ever. Since 1995, Canuck Place has been a place of comfort and compassion where children could experience the simple joy of being a child, and families could cherish each moment together.

Hear from families, volunteers, and supporters as they share their best days, large and small:

An Understanding Hug

Since their daughter, Florence, passed away at Canuck Place Children’s Hospice Jason and Michaela Evanow have been receiving bereavement support from the Canuck Place counselling team, including attending bereavement group sessions, where they can connect with other families who can truly understand, because sometimes a Best Day Ever is simply an Understanding Hug.


“Canuck Place gave us the opportunity to feel comfortable in a home-like environment and let Florence be with her mama and daddy under the same roof.”

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A Day Without Pain

The children who receive care at Canuck Place Children’s Hospice have complex medical needs. Many have overlapping conditions, and minor bugs or typical childhood ailments can have unpredictable repercussions to their health. When this happens, simply getting back to a stable, pain-free baseline is a Best Day Ever.

For Kerena and Heston, a Day without Pain is their Best Day Ever. “I would like to thank those who have donated towards pain and symptom management at Canuck Place,” says Kerena. “Your support allows Canuck Place to offer life rings to families like ours who feel like we are drowning with nowhere to turn.”

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Adaptive Adventures

Canuck Place Jayda

“A Best Day Ever is experiencing life through her eyes,” Jayda’s dad Paul says. “Taking in each special moment, and enjoying the time together, allowing Jayda to be worry-free, pain-free, not having to worry about anything.”

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Whether it’s an Adaptive Adventure, a Day without Pain, or an Understanding Hug, you can make a Best Day Ever possible at Canuck Place Children’s Hospice. Donate today.

Follow Canuck Place Children’s Hospice on Facebook and Twitter for more information.

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