The City of Vancouver’s VanConnect App

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I opted for rain boots on a sunny autumn morning, as a Vancouverite may tend to do with a chance of showers in the forecast, as I headed out for my morning coffee. Walking the leaf-covered West End sidewalk I found my boots suddenly splashing through puddles. Water was ferociously bubbling up from between some cracks in the sidewalk in what I would imagine would be a water main break.

The City of Vancouver's VanConnect App

I pulled out my phone, clicked on the VanConnect app, selected Submit a Service Request, then Streets and Sewers then reported the issue as a sidewalk repair. I uploaded a photo, pin pointed the location. Later that day I walked the same route over to the market and there were City of Vancouver cones around the soggy sidewalk spot. I tracked the progress of the repairs and could see when the work was complete.

VanConnect App

You can report all kinds of issues on the VanConnect App, from graffiti to broken street lights or litter, all on the go from the palm of your hand. Abandoned mattress in the alley? Snap a photo and report it for cleanup. You can view a full list of current VanConnect service issues and requests on the app too so you can avoid street flooding, street repairs and more.

The app also connects you to emergency alerts and services, facility maps, road closure information, and the latest City news. Find a skate park or stream a live City Council meeting.

The City of Vancouver's VanConnect App

In the fall, you can Adopt a Catch Basin or find out when leaves will be cleared. Come winter, when the snow starts falling again, you can get the latest updates on snow removal and sidewalk clearing.

It’s a handy city guide to have, reference, report-on, and use day-to-day in the City of Vancouver. The free app can be downloaded for Android and iOS, and Blackberry at any time.

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