Burns Bog Escape Halloween Series

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Take on the challenge of the Burns Bog Escape this Halloween, as you and your friends sign up for this adventure in this globally unique ecosystem that will be teeming with supernatural activity October 28-31.

Burns Bog Escape Halloween Series

Burns Bog Escape Halloween Series

Where: Burns Bog (10388 Nordel Ct, Delta)
When: October 28-31, 2016 from 5:00pm to 10:00pm
Tickets: On sale now. Early bird (until October 15) kids (up to 18) $10; adults $20. Regular rates (after October 15) kids $15; adults $30. On site kids $20; adults $40.

Tethered to the land are the eight souls of World War II soldiers, killed by bombs made of the very peat you are standing on. You must free their souls, or risk being trapped here with them…forever!

The fastest group of four to make it through the challenge will win tickets & membership to Time Escape Games.

This event is presented by the Burns Bog Conservation Society. Visit the Facebook event page for full details about this event and more.

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