SociaLIGHT Conference Vancouver

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The SociaLIGHT Conference returns to Vancouver for the third year this October, presenting the only Canadian entrepreneurship conference focusing in the triple bottom line (planet, people, profit). If you have an entrepreneurial dream, idea, or passion for making a global impact, you’ll be inspired by two days of talks and networking at SociaLIGHT.

SociaLIGHT Conference Vancouver


Where: Pan Pacific Vancouver
When: Saturday, October 22nd & Sunday, October 23rd, 2016
Tickets: On sale now! Use code MISS604 to get the early bird rate of $197 and save $100 before Monday, September 5, 2016.

The brand SociaLIGHT is a spin off of the traditional socialite, with a new spelling and acronym. “LIGHT” is an acronym for L.eader I.mpacting G.lobal H.umanity T.oday.

When you attend SociaLIGHT you can network with and learn from like­minded entrepreneurs, global thought leaders, and innovators and to take your personal and professional success to new heights.

“The presentations and the content is a combination of​ entrepreneurial, business-­oriented​ topics mixed with a ​motivational and inspirational m​indset which is often absent in other entrepreneurial conferences,” says Founding Partner, Theresa Laurico. “They’re heavily focused on either business or tech, however, SociaLIGHT aims to bridge the gap between entrepreneurship & business skills, and sustainable leadership to make a positive global impact.”

Previous speakers have included the likes of Seth Godin and Richard Branson, Tony Hsieh of Zappos, and more. “There have also been stories from as Noriki Tamura of Japa Dog and D​avid Katz of ​Plastic Bank who are still making a big impact. “SociaLIGHT is not just about top world businesses and speakers. They pride themselves in ​identifying the next best things​ and allowing them to share their story to get more exposure and grow by connecting with top big brands.”


This year you can see: Bruce Poon Tip who is the Founder of ​G Adventures​ (the world’s #1 travel company, valued at $100m), NY Times bestselling author of Looptail with forward from the Dalai Lama, and Canada’s Entrepreneur of the Year and Fastest Growing Company by PROFIT.
SociaLIGHT puts words into action, having made a donation of $80,000 last year (in lieu of paying the keynote) to the Room to Read Foundation, which is supports children’s literacy and education around the world.

For more information, follow SociaLIGHT on Facebook and Twitter.

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