Easter Seals BC Drop Zone Giveaway

Comments 33 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Easter Seals BC is inviting thrill-seekers from across the Lower Mainland to take part in their annual Drop Zone event, where you can rappel down a 20-storey downtown Vancouver office building! This adrenaline-inducing fundraiser takes place on September 13th in Downtown Vancouver, and raises funds and funds and awareness for the BC Lions Society for Children with Disabilities.

Easter Seals BC Drop Zone

Easter Seals Drop Zone 2010

Where: 999 West Hastings Street, Vancouver
When: Tuesday, September 13, 2016 from 8:00am to 5:00pm
Register: Register now until September 7th.

Participants who are brave enough to take part in the event are required to fundraise a minimum of $1,000 to participate. Last year, the event saw 65 rappellers take the plunge and over $188,000 was raised in support of Easter Seals BC. This year, Easter Seals BC hopes to have even more participants take part in this unique and exhilarating event for a great cause.

The Drop Zone raises much-needed funds to help fund the Easter Seals House Vancouver and sends children with disabilities to accessible Easter Seals camps in BC. The BC Lions Society is a non-profit that aims to enrich the lives of children in BC and the Yukon by providing programs and services, like specialized, accessible camps for children with physical and/or cognitive disabilities.

I participated back in 2010 and years later I still get to tell the story of “that time I rappelled down the side of an office building in Downtown Vancouver” — it was such a thrill!


Easter Seals Drop Zone 2010

Easter Seals Drop Zone 2010


Participants can win prizes if they are some of the top overall fundraisers and finishers, you get to wear costumes (your chance to dress up like a superhero) and you’re invited to join in climbing sessions in advance of event day. It’s such an invigorating experience, all for a fantastic cause. If you can’t participate, consider donating online to support Easter Seals BC.

Enter to Win

I have a 4-pack of Sea Vancouver tickets to give away to one lucky Miss604 reader who would like to enjoy a different adventure around Vancouver. Launching from the Westin Bayshore Hotel, Sea Vancouver’s open-air, purpose built, zodiac-style vessels are Vancouver’s fastest and safest way to view the city from the sea. Cruise the harbour, and rip across the inlet to see the city from a whole new perspective on this guided tour.

I’m hoping to get the word out about the Easter Seals BC Drop Zone on September 13th so here’s how you can enter to win this prize:

  • Leave a comment on this post naming a fear you have conquered, or would like to (1 entry)
  • Like, share, or comment on this post on Facebook (1 entry)
  • Post the following on Twitter (1 entry)
RT to enter to win a #SeaVancouver tour for 4 from @Miss604 http://bit.ly/2bv4PBn in support of @DropZoneVAN

I will draw one winner at random from all entries at 6:00pm on Sunday, September 4, 2016. Follow the Easter Seals BC Drop Zone on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for more information.

Update The winner is @spfxhammer!

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33 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. Jennifer KMonday, August 29th, 2016 — 11:29am PDT

    I would like to conquer my fear of heights.

  2. Mike RobertsonMonday, August 29th, 2016 — 11:41am PDT

    I would like to conquer my fear of never winning a Miss 604 twitter contest 😉

  3. RebeccaMonday, August 29th, 2016 — 12:13pm PDT

    Absolutely heights, and maybe spiders!

  4. AlexMonday, August 29th, 2016 — 12:25pm PDT

    heights for sure – palms get sweaty just watching height related videos

  5. CeciliaMonday, August 29th, 2016 — 1:24pm PDT

    I’d like to conquer my fear of speaking in public!

  6. janMonday, August 29th, 2016 — 2:06pm PDT

    i have a fear of jumping off the high diving board

  7. Lisa GMonday, August 29th, 2016 — 4:31pm PDT

    I have a fear of small spaces which i haven’t conquered yet but am working on it!!

  8. Jason BTuesday, August 30th, 2016 — 1:59am PDT

    Liked and tweeted, I conquered my fear of cheering for a hockey team that never wins the cup…hence I changed from the Nucks to the Habs…

  9. MarkTuesday, August 30th, 2016 — 9:17am PDT

    Public speaking! Conquered!

  10. Ariel CTuesday, August 30th, 2016 — 9:22am PDT

    Gotten over spiders!

  11. AdamTuesday, August 30th, 2016 — 9:23am PDT

    public speaking

  12. TaniaTuesday, August 30th, 2016 — 9:55am PDT

    Public speaking

  13. RinoTuesday, August 30th, 2016 — 9:57am PDT

    Confined spaces

  14. Scott HildebrandtTuesday, August 30th, 2016 — 11:28am PDT


  15. ShannonTuesday, August 30th, 2016 — 11:28am PDT

    Restricted breathing

  16. Janet Y.J. KongTuesday, August 30th, 2016 — 3:09pm PDT

    Spiders! Ewwwww….. Ickkkk…… Yuck…..

  17. wenTuesday, August 30th, 2016 — 3:43pm PDT

    I would like to conquer the fear to always wake up in the middle of the night with a bad dream.

  18. MaryTuesday, August 30th, 2016 — 3:47pm PDT

    My biggest fear is heights!

  19. Kristy R.Tuesday, August 30th, 2016 — 5:15pm PDT

    Spiders…are now my friends!

  20. Sheila KirkbyTuesday, August 30th, 2016 — 10:16pm PDT

    My fear of my glasses falling off when I lean over a railing.

  21. Christina KosiancicWednesday, August 31st, 2016 — 8:00am PDT

    I’ve always wanted to take part in the Drop Zone event, but the Sea Vancouver aboard a zodiac is probably more my style ?

  22. Christina KosiancicWednesday, August 31st, 2016 — 8:03am PDT

    Ive bungee jumped in 2010 facing my fear of heights, but always wanted to take part in the Drop Zone, it’s a good cause, nothing else would get me repelling down a building unless there was a fire!

  23. Tyler IngramWednesday, August 31st, 2016 — 8:22am PDT

    Being a father, scared of it, but loving every moment of it!

  24. GizelleWednesday, August 31st, 2016 — 12:37pm PDT


  25. Lori MWednesday, August 31st, 2016 — 2:56pm PDT


  26. DarcyWednesday, August 31st, 2016 — 2:58pm PDT


  27. Gary TWednesday, August 31st, 2016 — 11:27pm PDT

    Snakes, conquered, spiders, not yet

  28. HayleyWednesday, August 31st, 2016 — 11:59pm PDT

    I’d like to get over my fear of birds.

  29. Lisa MThursday, September 1st, 2016 — 11:14am PDT

    I am very nervous out on the ocean. This might be just what I need to face my fear 🙂 Thanks

  30. Teresa KThursday, September 1st, 2016 — 11:46pm PDT

    I’d love to win.

  31. HeatherFriday, September 2nd, 2016 — 9:10am PDT

    I’m terrified of heights! But hubby held my hand on the roller coaster last year….enough said!

  32. tracySunday, September 4th, 2016 — 11:13am PDT

    I’m trying to get over my fear of rodents :/

  33. GCMonday, September 5th, 2016 — 11:29am PDT

    when I was little I always had a fear of swallowing pills and I have finally learned to conquer that

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