BC Day at the BC Sports Hall of Fame

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The BC Sports Hall of Fame has a special deal for those who play Pokemon Go this BC Day. They’ll be open on during the holiday, 10:00am to 5:00pm with lures, tours, and much more for players and non-players alike.

BC Sports Hall

BC Day at the BC Sports Hall of Fame

Enter the BC Sports Hall of Fame through Gate A at BC Place on Monday, August 1st. If you play Pokemon Go, show your Pokedex for 50% off (regular price $15) admission. Lures will be activated throughout the day and guests will also have the chance to win iTunes gift cards to buy Pokecoins.

Check out the BC Sports Hall of Fame’s museum and exhibits, and everyone is invited on a tour of BC Place at 11:00am, 1:00pm and 3:00pm. If you are a Pokemon Go player, take a special tour that includes PokeStops at 10:00am, 12:00pm, 2:00pm, and 4:00pm on BC Day.

BC Place Tour

Follow the BC Sports Hall of Fame on Facebook and Twitter to find out more about this special BC Day promotion, their exhibitions, tours, and events.

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