VIDEO: Vancouver Lexus Canada Commercial

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

A car commercial, filmed in Vancouver, that actually showcases the city! I was honoured earlier this year when the Globe & Mail and Lexus approached me to be the star of their Vancouver commercial. I got to pick where we filmed based on my daily life, so of course I went into Stanley Park, showcased one of my favourite resources for local history, and took in a theatrical production.

Despite it being one of the most miserably rainy days of the season, I had so much fun showing the crew some of my favourite trails in the park and then observing what they wanted to feature. I also got to showcase the City of Vancouver Archives, and get a lift to a Broadway Across Canada show.

Globe & Mail and Lexus also featured an interior designer from Calgary, a master sommelier from Toronto, and a creative director and designer in Montreal.

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