Views from Vancouver, Looking North 1890-1970
byIn Downtown Vancouver, we spend a lot of time looking out at the North Shore. Rainbows cut across dark rain clouds, fresh powdery snow covers peaks, and on those really clear days I swear you can see every individual evergreen on the slopes that reach all the way down to Burrard Inlet. Going back 50 to 100 years these landscapes, without any towering obstructions, were much easier to take in all at once:
Views from Vancouver, Looking North 1890-1970
1889. Looking north from Westminster Ave (Main St). Trueman and Caple Photo. Archives# Str P125.
1890. From the Hotel Vancouver. Bailey Bros. Photography. Archives# CVA 371-2591.
1893. From the Hotel Vancouver. Bailey Bros. Photography. Archives# Van Sc P4.
1898. From Seymour St. Archives# Bo P129.2.
1902. From the residence of E.B. Herman at 1287 Robson St. Archives# Van Sc P123.1.
1902. From the residence of E.B. Herman at 1287 Robson St. Archives# Van Sc P123.2.
1902. From the residence of E.B. Herman at 1287 Robson St. Archives# Van Sc P123.3.
1909. View from the Winch Building (Sinclair Centre). Archives# CVA 371-3186.
1929. View with Marine Building under construction. Leonard Frank. Archives# Van Sc P63.2.
1929. View with Marine Building under construction. Archives# CVA 677-690.
1930. Across Burrard Inlet. James Crookall Photo. Archives# CVA 260-331.
1930. From the Hotel Vancouver. Archives# Van Sc P54.
1940s. From the Hotel Vancouver. Artray Photographers. Archives# Air P101.1
1936. From the Second Narrows Bridge. James Crookall Photo. Archives# CVA 260-381.
1940. From the Stanley Park Causeway. Don Coltman Photo and Steffens-Colmer Photo Company. Archives# CVA 586-331.
1953. From the Granville Bridge. Archives# CVA 228-334.
1970s. View of the Westin Bayshore & Stanley Park. Archives# CVA 1435-54.
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