Conconi Challenge Donation Matching for Canuck Place

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This summer you can support children with life-threatening illness in Vancouver by donating to Canuck Place Children’s Hospice. Throughout the month of July, your donation will go even further as the Robert L. Conconi Foundation has pledged $200,000 for a match campaign.

Conconi Challenge

All donations made through the Conconi Challenge link online or by calling 1-800-882-2288 will be matched throughout July, up to $200,000. You can donate $10 and you will have a $20 impact. Challenge friends to do the same and you’ve made an impact of $60 just like that!

Over 600 newborns, children and teens with life-threatening illnesses and their families receive care from Canuck Place through outreach programs and two provincial hospice locations; Vancouver and Abbotsford. Services include clinical respite and family support, pain and symptom management, 24-hour phone consultation support and in-house clinical care, art and education, recreation therapy, grief and loss counselling and end-of-life care.


Established in 2003, the Robert L. Conconi Foundation is a private family foundation started by Robert and Diane Conconi. Their mission is to inspire and empower individuals throughout British Columbia by supporting organizations in the areas of health, poverty, education and the arts.

Make your donation before July 31, 2015 and watch it have double the impact for a child, and their family, in BC. Follow Canuck Place on Facebook and Twitter for more information about ways to give.

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