When to Water Your Lawn in Metro Vancouver

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It’s been a very dry winter and spring so far in Rain City and that means sprinkling water restrictions are coming into play this month.

Water Sprinkler
Photo credit: niXerKG on Flickr

Previously, sprinkling was permitted in the mornings and evenings but now is only permitted in the early morning hours. This is because the demand for water is highest in the evening when most people prepare meals, wash dishes, do laundry, take showers and perform other domestic activities.

When to Water Your Lawn in Metro Vancouver

Even-numbered addresses
May sprinkle lawns 4:00am to 9:00am Monday, Wednesday, Saturday

Odd-numbered addresses
May sprinkle lawns 4:00am to 9:00am Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday

Even-numbered addresses may sprinkle lawns 1:00am to 6:00am Monday and Wednesday
Odd-numbered addresses may sprinkle lawns 1:00am to 6:00am Tuesday and Thursday
All non-residential addresses can also sprinkle 4:00am to 9:00am Friday

On the hottest days, as much as two billion litres of water are used in Metro Vancouver. By not permitting afternoon or evening sprinkling, the peaks in water consumption are reduced and in turn reduce demand on the water system.

The good news is that only one hour a week is needed to keep your lawn healthy. You can even let your lawn go brown/dormant over the summer and it will come back green again in the fall. Metro Vancouver also recommends that you leave grass clippings on your lawn as they will retrain moisture.

There are some exemptions to the restrictions and they’ll all listed on the Metro Vancouver website. You can also check out Tips to Conserve Water at Home and follow Metro Vancouver on Twitter and Facebook for more information.

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