Current Campfire Bans in BC

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The dry weather means that more people will be hitting the road to find a camping spot this summer but it also means that our forests will have a high fire risk. In susceptible areas of the province, new fires will start easily, spread rapidly, and challenge fire suppression efforts. Before you head out to cook your s’mores, check out the BC Wildfire website for the latest information.

Photo credit: Martin Cathrae on Flickr

Current Campfire Bans in BC

As of June 1, 2015 campfires are permitted in the Coastal, Northwest, Prince George, Kamloops, Southeast, and Cariboo regions. There are some restrictions in the Coastal region, including a ban on Category 2 fires in Parksville on Vancouver Island. Category 2 is an open fire, excluding a campfire, that burns piled material no larger than two metres high and three metres wide, or grass over an area less than 0.2 hectares (2000 square metres) in size.

« Click here for the latest Coastal fire ban updates »

Here are some of the best resources for campfire info in BC: Current Fire Bans, Latest Danger Ratings Per Region, and the BC Wildfire Management Branch Hotline. Follow BCForestFireInfo on Facebook for the latest news.

If you see a wildfire, call 1-800-663-5555 or *5555 on your mobile. For Wildfire information, call 1-888-3FOREST.

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