Canstruction 2015 in Vancouver
byCanstruction, a design/build competition now in its 13th year, returns to Downtown Vancouver as engineers and architects bring their interpretation of this year’s theme “Fact or Fiction” to life using canned goods.
Imagine an 8 foot tall Sasquatch, a giant optical illusion or huge talking watermelon built with thousands of cans of food! After the event, 100% of the food used will go to the Greater Vancouver Food Bank Society. Canstruction sculptures will be available for viewing (free) between Sunday, April 26, 2015 and Friday, May 8, 2015 at three venues:
Rotunda at Pacific Centre Mall, (5 sculptures) 701 W Georgia St at Howe St
Four Seasons Hotel, (2 sculptures) 791 W Georgia St at Howe St
Pendulum Gallery, (12 sculptures) 855 W Georgia St. at Howe St

Follow Canstruction on Twitter and Facebook for more information. Hours depend on the opening hours of the buildings in which the display will sit.