14 Vintage Vancouver Fashion Shoots
byThere are fashion shows at wedding fairs, women’s shows, an eco fashion week, and showcases sponsored by flagship stores – all of which prove Vancouver has been its own little fashion hotbed for years. With a unique sense of style and a thirst for the latest threads for the slopes, the ballroom, or the beaches, we’ve kept the runways occupied and cameras flashing for the last 100 years.
14 Vintage Vancouver Fashion Shoots

1941: C.N.R. Publicity shoot. #CVA 586-723.
1945: Bathing suit models. #CVA 586-3822.
1940s: Reg Stephens modelling GWG clothing. #CVA 1184-3588. Jack Lindsay photo.
1944: Hat models for the Woodward’s, Spencer’s, and Hudson’s Bay catalogues. #CVA 586-2985 & #CVA 586-1504 & #CVA 586-1877.
1946: Hudson’s Bay fashion show. #CVA 586-4273.
1959: Pamela House in an Ice Capades promotion. #CVA 180-6230.
1960: Women modeling culottes with dachshund. VPL# 44109 & 1966: Models in sailor suits. VPL# 44117.
1966: Women modelling evening wear. VPL# 44118 & 44136.
1964: Ski wear fashion show model poses at the PNE. #CVA 180-6074-: CVA 180-6074.03.