Archive Photos of the Day: Dal Richards at the PNE
byThere are some great Vancouver entertainers but to me, it’s tough to beat the legendary Dal Richards. Richards is a big band leader, radio host, performer, lyricist, and much more to the many who he has touched with his music and spirit for the better part of the last century. This year marks his 75th consecutive annual performance at The Fair at the PNE, where he has delighted fairgoers with his jazz, rock, and pop every summer. It’s an honour to feature Dal Richard in today’s archive photo collection:
Upcoming Event Info
The Fair at the PNE’s Music Mosaic Series on the Chevrolet Performance Stage:
Dal Richards with Featured Guest Michael Kaeshammer
Saturday, August 16, 2014 at 7:30pm & 9:00pm
Dal Richards with Featured Guest Bria Skonberg
Thursday, August 21, 2014 at 7:30pm & 9:00pm