Vancouver Emergency Preparedness Week

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It’s Emergency Preparedness Week in Vancouver (May 4 to May 10), which is part of a national campaign to encourage Canadians to get prepared for disasters. To spread the word, the City of Vancouver supplied the following information for me to share:

Vancouver Emergency Preparedness Week

Vancouver is in an earthquake zone–just two weeks ago, you may have felt the effects of an earthquake near Vancouver Island. Massive destructive earthquakes have occurred here in the past, and since we can’t predict when they might come next, it is important to be ready ahead of time. What can you do to be prepared? It’s not as hard as you think. The top three steps to getting prepared:

1. Know the risks: Understand the emergencies that you might face and what the risks might be.

2. Make a plan: Learn how you, your family, and your pets can stay safe during an emergency, and how you can communicate and find each other afterward.

3. Get a kit: Emergency kits can help you survive for up to three days if you are evacuated or if you lose services like electricity, water, or communications.

Emergency Preparedness "ready to go" kit.
Photo via City of Vancouver on Flickr

And this week, make sure to take the City of Vancouver’s survey on how prepared you are for an emergency, to help the City better support you in an emergency.

Experience shows that people who are prepared for disasters survive and recover more quickly. Taking a few simple precautions could make all the difference for you and your family when disaster strikes. Plan ahead for peace of mind, knowing that your loved ones are safe, and be prepared to weather life’s uncertainties.

We’re always working hard to prepare for disasters: the City of Vancouver just completed an earthquake preparedness strategy, and maintains a team of highly-trained rescue professionals. But mobilizing a rescue effort takes time, so all Canadians need to be ready to survive on their own for 72 hours (three days) following a disaster.

Additional Info

Did you know that the City of Vancouver offers free disaster planning workshops? Sign up here.

You can also learn how to prepare your pets for a disaster.

And you can volunteer to help in the event of a Vancouver emergency.

Follow the City of Vancouver on Twitter for helpful tips throughout the week.

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