Archive Photos of the Day: Vancouver Canucks
byOn this day in history (October 9, 1970) the Vancouver Canucks played their first (regular season) game as a National Hockey League team. Today, they took their 43rd team photo on the ice at Rogers Arena and in honour of this, I found an early team photo back from the Canucks’ days in the Pacific Coast Hockey League:

1946: PCHL Vancouver Canucks. Archives# CVA 586-4280.
And a few more photos from the Vancouver Public Library archives from the team’s PCHL and Western Hockey League days:

1960s & 1948: Seattle vs Canucks. VPL# 40864 & 84075A. Photo: Province Newspaper & Stu Hertz.
1948: Vancouver Canucks, PCHL championship team. VPL# 84097A & 84097I. Photographer: Ray Munro.
1948: Vancouver Canucks, PCHL championship team. VPL# 84097N & 84097T & 84097O. Photographer: Ray Munro.
1960s: Wayne Larkin and Bob Blackburn. VPL# 44069. 1950s: Canucks player. VPL# 40963. Photographer: Province Newspaper.
View more “Then and Now” photos and Vancouver history in my archives.
1 Comment — Comments Are Closed
Wow, love the photos!