Blogger Profile: Deidre Tansey

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Over the years I have profiled bloggers from the Northwest Territories to the Fraser Valley, anyone that interests me and that I hope will interest you as well. A few years ago I started asking a standard set of questions and this week I reached out to a former teacher of mine who is making waves on Vancouver Island. Click, share, explore, and enjoy!

Deidre Tansey

JustAPinchOfGingerBlog: Just a Pinch of Ginger
Facebook: Justapinchofginger13
Twitter: @PinchOfGinger13
Pinterest | Instagram

How long has your blog been around?
I published my first post on March 3rd of this year, so just under seven months. Wow, time flies!

What is your role?
I’m the whole kit-and-kaboodle. A friend helped me with the original WordPress set up. I am the sole writer and owner, sounds more glamorous than it is.

What does your site do/what is it about?
It’s about family, food and sharing optimistic stories. Originally I simply wanted to write a cookbook, to archive our family recipes and stories. Friends encouraged me to think outside the box and share through a blog instead.

We have six children and have travelled a great deal, I had no idea that other people would actually want to read about our silly family adventures. It has evolved now, I have started to interview chefs and restauranteurs on Vancouver Island. I’ve discovered that their stories are fascinating and people appreciate hearing the background behind their favourite restaurants. For readers who aren’t in the vicinity, I always manage to get a recipe to try at home! I’m a total foodie and chef wanna be, so I LOVE this part of my “work”.

What can people see, read, and do when visiting your site?
Just A Pinch of Ginger features mostly healthy, whole food recipes, some are mine, some are friends and some are from amazing chefs! I also throw in a few fun desserts, birthday party ideas and travel hints for families. People can read about the few things I’ve learned through my own journey as a teacher, mom of six and business woman. There are stories about chefs, business owners and other inspiring folks on Vancouver Island.

Why do you blog?
Well, as I said before…it all started as a personal archive. Now everything has changed. I have received so many beautiful emails from people I would never have connected with otherwise, thanking me for sharing my stories. When something you write resonates powerfully with another person, it’s very gratifying. Cheap therapy actually! I would never have considered myself a writer or ‘reporter’ before. The pleasure I get from interviewing people, listening to their life journey…it gets me every time. I love it.

What is the ultimate goal for your site, how would you like to see it grow?
Now that the site has taken on a life of it’s own, who would have ever thought that people in 95 different countries would read my recipes? I suppose I’d like to be able to support myself from it. Although being a such a noob in this business, I haven’t actually spent the time to figure out how to do that. I’ll have to finish reading your book and take a course from you Rebecca 😉 People always say ‘do what you love, and the money will follow’. I am definitely loving this and my family has been incredibly supportive, so it is a great fit!

Right now though, I’m just enjoying the ride and revelling in all of the wonderfully talented people I’ve connected with. It’s exciting to wake up every day and look forward to finishing a story!

Thanks for the opportunity to do this interview Rebecca (my former student) 😉 and thanks so much to all of my followers near and far. I’m a lucky lady!


Follow Deidre on her blog, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.

Read all entries in my Blogger Profile series and feel free to suggest a blogger for possible feature in the comments of this post.

1 Comment  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. Sam MartoranaMonday, September 16th, 2013 — 10:15am PDT

    Hi there,

    I’m beginning to focus on my blog more – my life of job hunting, food and music. Originally it was intended to be more of a food and music focused blog, however since I lost my job in June, I’m putting some effort into the blog as a diary of ‘finding myself’.

    I would love a little help getting the word out there if you care to.

    Thanks so much!

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