Archive Photos of the Day: Canada Day
byLooking through the Vancouver Public Library and City of Vancouver Archives for Canada Day content I had to remember to modify my search terms to “Dominion Day”, as it was called until 1982. Vancouver has had some great-looking Dominion Day celebrations in the past with downtown parades being the main attraction:
Dominion Day decorations:

1917: VPL# 7822. Photographer: Philip Timms & 1927: Province Building with Dominion Day decorations. VPL# 22598A. Photographer: Dominion Photo Co.
The Georgia-Harris Viaduct in Vancouver opened on Dominion Day in 1915:

Archives# CVA 677-535. Photographer: W.J. Moore.
Dominion Day Parades:

1924: Woodward’s at Hastings and Abbott. Archives# CVA 809-24.
1925: VPL# 17974. Photographer: Stuart Thomson & 1924: Mayor L.D. Taylor in a carriage on Dominion Day. Archives# CVA 1477-40.
1925: 100 Block of East Hastings. Archives# CVA 1376-579.
Be sure to check out this year’s Canada Day Parade in downtown Vancouver tonight starting at 7:00pm along West Georgia between Broughton and Burrard.