Playland Family Pass Giveaway
byPlayland was once known at Happyland when it was part of the Vancouver Exhibition almost 100 years ago. Since that time, it has brought smiles and laughter to millions through midway games, attractions, and rides. It’s now open for the season with two new rides along with family favourites.

1929: Entrance gate to Happyland on Renfrew. VPL # 7925. Photographer: Leonard Frank
New this year are The Teacups and Balloon Explorers. Spin the teacups or soar 42 feet above the park in a hot air balloon ride. These two join the line-up of over thirty rides and attractions at Playland, including the iconic 1958 wooden roller coaster.
Playland Hours
May 4 to June 30 (Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays): 10:00am to 6:00pm
June 14 to June 26 (Monday to Friday): 10:00am to 3:00pm
July 1 to July 28 (Saturday, Sundays and Holidays): 10:00am to 7:00pm
July 2 to July 31 (Monday to Friday): 10:00am to 6:00pm
August 1 to August 16 (Monday to Sunday): 10:00am to 7:00pm
September 7 to September 22 (Saturdays and Sundays): 10:00am to 5:00pm
Playland Pass Prices
Playland One-Day PlayPass (over 48” tall): $32.50
Playland Junior One-Day PlayPass (under 48” tall): $23.75
Playland Season PlayPass (over 48” tall): $91.75
Playland Junior Season PlayPass (under 48” tall): $53.75
Playland Guardian Pass (max 2 adults per child 12 and under): $18.50
All prices include tax
Save when you book your passes online or receive the same promotional prices when you shop at Lower Mainland 7-Eleven, Safeway, Save-on-Foods, PriceSmart Foods, Cooper’s Foods and Urban Fare stores.
If you would like to check out the amusement park (plus the new Teacups and Balloon Explorers), I have a family 4-pack of tickets to give away. Here’s how you can enter to win:
- Leave a comment here naming your favourite Playland ride, past or present (1 entry)
- Post the following on Twitter (1 entry)
I will draw one winner at random from all entries next Thursday, May 23, 2013 at 12:00pm. For more information about Playland’s season, the PNE, ride passes, etc. follow the amusement park on Facebook and Twitter.
Update The winner is @zojirushi!
187 Comments — Comments Are Closed
It’s gotta be the Wooden Coaster
“old woody” – the wooden roller coaster!
The wooden rollercoaster for sure
I have (not so) fond memories of having the bejeesus scared out of me after going on the Pirate. My parents should have known better than to let a woosy 6 year old on it…
My favorite is surprisingly Atmosfear, because I have a fear of heights, but I was “encouraged” to go on it last year and enjoyed it. My wife’s favorite is the Flume and my step-daughter’s is Music Express.
my fav ride will always be the coaster. But I am happy they have the teacups now cause I have missed the strawberries they used to have lol 😀
I’ve never been so I don’t have a favorite ride. (also tweeted)
my daughters would squeal with delight if I won this and it would make it a happy summer. they love playland and the PNE as much as I did as a kid. amazing memories as we took our first ride on the wooden roller coaster – family fav!
The scrambler has always been our family favorite!
Wood roller coaster of course
I’m too much of a chicken to go on most rides, but I would love to be able to give these passes to a family I know who otherwise definitely would not be able to afford to go!
By far my favorite has always been the swings
The wooden coaster, 100%
The good ole wooden coaster.
In the past it was the covered musical ride that went in circle (can’t recall the name)- a fav because you could really squish your friend on the outside seat, haha.
Always had fun on the Hellevator
The zipper was great. I had lots of fun with friends on the music express but the wooden roller coaster is a classic
Wooden roller coaster, hands down.
Coaster, easy!
This year I am going to definitely say Spinning Tea Cups and Balloon Explorer! Reminds me of Disney park!
Wooden Roller Coaster for sure!
Favourite is easily the roller coaster!
The swings!
The Music Express.
wooden roller coaster! Always feels like I’m going to fall out haha
Definitely the wooden rollercoaster!
I’m not a ride person, but I do love the log ride! Great on a hot day!
The Music Express has always been a favourite since I was a kid, I also miss the Wild Mouse one – that was scary!
The old wooden roller coaster!!!!
The swings!
The Hellevator, so intense!
The Zipper and the Octopus were two of my most terrifying experiences of my childhood. Fun House I believe it was and house of mirrors were more my speed. Love roller coasters and I would be up for try the old wooden one again. Win this and I am gifting it to a very deserving family who need all the smiles, laughs and fun they can get! :~) Great giveaway!
Hell’s Gate
the rolleroaster!!
Wooden Roller Coaster!!!!!!!
Favourite has always been the swings!
I’ve never been to Playland…past or present! 🙁
I would sure love to win some tickets so I can change that!!!
Love the Hellevator.
Old Wooden roller coaster!
The spinning tea cups (tiltawhirl) hands down!
My favourite ride used to be known as the Jaguar (back in the very early 80’s), before they changed its name to the Music Express. In high school we used to go with friends on Friday nights and loved it – you’d never know if it would be going forwards or backwards! Also loved the skyride across the whole PNE when I was a kid. Ah, memories!
wooden coaster
Hands down, the Coaster!
You feel like you’re taking your life in your hands when riding that thing…
The long standing wooden roller coaster
Hi, I never got to ride on anything except for the big wooden roller coaster, so that would have to be my favourite ride!
the roller coaster four sure…four to go please!
The pirate ship!
Gotta be hell’s gate- I love that it flips you upside down.
Wooden Coaster
Favorite Ride? The Flume! (AKA The Log Shoot back in the 90’s!)
My favorite has to be the Musical Express. Great tunes. “Do you want to go FASTER?!!!”
My favourite ride is still probably the old wooden coaster, unlike the other rides I have real fear when I ride it!
The Mouse Trap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can go on that ALL day.
I love ferris wheels, and I would love to take my son for the first time.
Ah, the Tilt-a-Whirl is definitely the most memorable. In Grade 7, I was on that ride in Nova Scotia and threw up on a girl who later became a suitcase hauler on Deal or No Deal Canada!
the hellevator!
Honey Bear train!
Love the swings, and it’s always my first ride – it’s a good view of the park to plan your day!
i like all of the rides, but wooden roller coaster isn’t that scary for me. .thnx PNE & Miss604! 🙂
wooden rollercoaster is my all time fav
The Atmosfear, not because I actually liked it ~ I held on for dear life and accidentally dug holes into my palms with my nails, and my biceps were sore for a week after ~ but because my six year old rocked it! He had SUCH a great time, and not just laughing at his pale and clammy mom!
undoubtedly, its the wooden rollercoaster!
nancyrobster at gmail dot com
My favorite ride is THE JET STAR 2 !!! Me and my best friend went on it when we were just old enough to be allowed, and on that first day, we rode on it 18 TIMES !!! time of our lives, we still talk about it to this day 🙂 I love you Playland 🙂
tweeted 🙂 . My favorite ride would have to be the Pirate Ship!
I like the Rainbow
The roller coaster, But fond memories of the helicopter ride too. It was the first ride I was allowed to ride by myself
The Rainbow for sure!
The giant swings!! Although the wooden roller coaster is awesome too.
Family favorite is the Merry Go Round
wooden coaster!
The wooden rollercoaster!
The Wooden Rollercoaster is terrifying but fun!
The wooden roller coaster!
It’s funny I can think of lots of rides I don’t like because they freak me out. 🙂 Of the ones I like I think the log ride is lots of fun.
The pirate ship!
I love the swings
Wooden roller coaster
LOVE the Coaster, it’s classic!
The wooden roller coaster – it’s a classic!
The log flume!
The wooden coaster, for sure.
wooden roller coaster
The wooden roller coaster!
Definitely the wooden coaster!
Our family favourite, the swings!
wooden coaster!!!
The ferris wheel lol
the pirate ship
The log ride!!!!
I like all rollercoasters.
the giant slide with my son
the tea cups : )
The wooden rollercoaster!
I loved the swings!
The wooden rollercoaster was great!
ATMOSFEAR is my favorite ride at Playland, hope to win.
I love the ferris wheel!
My favourite is The Coaster!
Of course the coaster!
I love the roller coaster.
Scooters are my fav! ^_^
The Wooden Roller Coaster!
The Coaster
Music Express!
Love the wooden roller coaster!
Call me a cheesy romantic but I like the Ferris Wheel!
No doubt, the wooden roller coaster is my favourite.
AtmosFEAR!! wooo!
I love the pirate ship.
Hells gate
What a fabulous contest! Remembering (in fear) the Mousetrap. That thing was insane!!!
love the roller coaster!
It would definetly be the historic wooden rollercoaster ! Yahoo
The log ride.
the wooden roller coaster for sure
the roller coaster for sure
Wooden roller coaster!
Of course the wooden roller coaster!
My 3 kids and I are big fans of the bumper ars as well as the scrambler and the music express.
Crazy Beach Party is my favorite ride’
Love the high swinging chairs. Great view and a fair bit scarier than it looks.
My boy is going to love Balloon Explorers!
Not going to lie, but it took me so long to get the nerves to go on the wooden rollercoaster. Now it’s my fave ride!
The log ride is great, as long as you can get someone to sit in front of you. That way, only he or she gets wet!
Ferris wheel!
mouse trap for sure
Always love the roller coaster!
The wooden roller coaster.
Log ride!!!! P.s. your blog is awesome! So informative for me since I just recently moved to bc!
love getting splashed on the log ride on a hot summer day
Wooden Roller Coaste
The coaster, of course!
Luv the roooollllercoaster
The wooden coaster is a classic. definitely my favourite.
My kids love playland!!!! Favorite ride is the old wooden coaster.
It is a toss up between the boats (one of the original kiddie rides) and the Wild Mouse! Great memories!
definitely the coaster!!
The Hellevator
The wooden coaster
The Music Express
I haven’t done any of the Playland rides. Just experienced the PNE.
music express! ahhhhhhhhhhhh
The wooden rollercoaster
I usually just watch but like the log ride
The Monster Mouse was my favorite. You always thought it was going off the edge of the rails. Just great memories.
Coaster. What else?
The old coaster is still a great ride.
Haven’t been in ages!
Oops, hit send too early! Definitely the pirate ship. 🙂
This would be awesome to win for my friends kids!
The rickety roller coaster is and has always been such a thrill! Thanks for the chance.
the Wood roller coaster
I kinda like the Ferris wheel and the coaster for sure!
the log ride and wooden coaster are my faves
the wooden coaster
the lovely wooden rolla-coster!!!!
The good ol’ wooden coaster!!! Great memories play land!!!
I used to love anything that twisted and turned at a fast rate…do you wanna go faster???? And we’d all scream YES!!! But I think the old wooden roller coaster is my favourite.
I used to love anything that twisted and turned at a fast rate…do you wanna go faster???? And we’d all scream YES!!!
I love the swings
The coaster! It’s really one of the best ever!!!
The Wooden Roller Coast of course!
The Hellevator
Music express!
Wooden coaster!
Wooden roller coaster
wooden rollercoaster and the enterprise are my two most fave rides
The Coaster, although it’s getting a little rickety.
The wooden rollercoaster for sure. I remember riding it 9 times in a row when I was a kid.
Favourite rides – zipper and the rollercoaster.
music express has always been my fave
Roller Coaster!!!