2013 Top 10 Endangered Sites Tour with Heritage Vancouver

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Since 2001, Heritage Vancouver has published a Top Ten Endangered Sites list bringing attention and awareness to buildings and landmarks around the city that may be threatened.

1923 – St Paul’s Hospital on Burrard. Archives item# Bu N251.

From the first list in 2001: “Because of demolition, redevelopment, or neglect threatens so much of our heritage, it was tough to limit the list to ten. Sites were selected on the basis of urgency, importance and their ability to generate public interest. Each year, HV will feature a new list of endangered sites within the City of Vancouver, a look back at the year’s success stories, and a post mortem of endangered sites lost during the previous twelve months.”

Heritage Vancouver is hosting their annual Top Ten Endangered Sites Bus Tour to promote the launch of the list on Saturday, May 4, 2013 from 1:00pm to 5:00pm. Tickets are $40 ($35 for Heritage Vancouver members) and they are available for purchase in advance — this event often sells out entirely so booking early is recommended. Participants can then meet in the Museum of Vancouver parking lot

Climb aboard for an exclusive guided tour of Heritage Vancouver’s 2013 Top Ten Endangered Sites! Be the first to visit the sites on the Top Ten this year with Heritage Vancouver’s own heritage experts. Tour guides Donald Luxton, well-known author, and the President of Heritage Vancouver, and Anthony Norfolk, head of our Advocacy committee, will fascinate you with their stories of this year’s endangered sites. The bus will stop at two surprise sites and you will have the opportunity to explore these endangered sites in detail and have a conversation with community members.

The 2012 Endangered Sites List included:

1. Main Post Office (1958)
2. Historic Movie Theatres (Hollywood, Ridge)
3. St. Paul’s Hospital: Historic Burrard Building
4. Schools: Sir James Douglas Elementary (1910-12)
5. Strathcona North – Vancouver’s First Neighbourhood
6. Shaughnessy: Land Speculation
7. Wilmar Estate (1925)
8. West End Housing
9. Grandview Neighbourhood
10. Downtown Granville Street (800-1200 blocks)

Follow Heritage Vancouver on Facebook and Twitter for more information about the bus tour, the endangered sites, and the society.

1 Comment  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. werdWednesday, April 17th, 2013 — 11:38am PDT

    Great tour!

    Stop by Shop Wrong if you’re in Grandview!
    1192 Hastings St E.

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