Vancouver Photos of the Week: Rainbows
byRainy days are just a part of living in Vancouver and when the sun shines for a few days in a row — revealing lush, green, natural views — we all remember its benefits. In fact you could almost say that the best part of Vancouver is all the rain because it makes us appreciate the sun that much more (although I won’t get ahead of myself on that). Another perk of a shower-filled day is that on occasion it ends with a blazing sunset or better yet, a sparkling rainbow or two. These multicoloured ribbons are the focus of this week’s photo feature from the Miss604 Flickr Pool:

Photo credit: Gordana AM on Flickr
Photo credit: Wynonna & kpwerker on Flickr
Photo credit: Eyesplash on Flickr
Photo credit: Clayton Perry Photoworks & Michael Kwan on Flickr
Photo credit: bcbusinesshub on Flickr
Photo credit: Photocat62 & Eyesplash on Flickr
Photo credit: Eyesplash & Tom Wiebe on Flickr
Photo credit: kardboard604 on Flickr
Photo credit: kardboard604 & Clayton Perry Photoworks on Flickr
Photo credit: TylerIngram & kardboard604 on Flickr
Photo credit: colink. on Flickr
As always, please click through on these images to view more work from the photographers and feel free to share your own photos with the Miss604 Flickr Pool. View all photo collections here.