Tetley Green Tea Giveaway
byGreen tea in Vancouver is a way of life. Prepared in clear tea glass containers, on the go at your favourite cafe, or even mixed up into delicious recipes or ice cream treats. In fact, 27% of Canadians now consider themselves primary tea drinkers, and it just might be green tea leading that charge.
Drinking green tea has wellness benefits like increased hydration, for better everyday living, and a quick moment of down time and relaxation. Green tea contains flavonoids and consumption of one cup of also increases antioxidant capacity in the blood.

Tetley Glow Green Tea Plus (with grapefruit, aloe vera and hibiscus)
Tetley Figure Green Tea Plus (spice blend plus cinnamon, orange peel, ginger and matcha)
Tetley Aware Green Tea Plus (fruit blend plus blackcurrant, ginseng, guarana, and matcha)
Tetley Canada has over 50 different varieties of teas — herbal, specialty flavoured black teas, red teas, orange pekoe — and a variety of pure and natural green teas. To celebrate and promote their refreshing green teas that have offered up a gift basket valued at $150 for one lucky Miss604 reader. Here’s how you can enter to win:
- Leave a comment here listing how you drink/prepare your tea (1 entry)
- Post the following on Twitter (1 entry)
Tetley’s green tea line-up is 100 per cent pure and natural using ingredients such as matcha, guarana, aloe vera and hibiscus — and they contain zero calories. To learn more you can visit the Tetley “Better U” Facebook page to ask questions about the benefits of tea and their three new green tea blends.
I will draw one winner of the prize pack at random from all entries next Wednesday, March 20, 2013 at 12:00pm. Update The winner is Katie B!
188 Comments — Comments Are Closed
Usually I make green tea from a bag rather than loose, although I do like matcha. Tetley is one of my tea brands!
Pure. No cream, no sweeteners, just tea.
I usually brew loose leaf tea at home, and save tea bags to easily make tea at work or on the go.
I usually use teabags…..I like it strong and sweetened with just a little bit of sugar.
I steep my tea either from a bag or with my tea strainer. I prefer green tea though have bought some from various other places as well and various other types.
I drink it plain
Loose leaf tea, nothing added. I love tea!
Plain all the way for me if it’s green, although I occassionally like a bit of milk in oolong.
I just drink it straight without any honey or sweetener. Also I brew it fairly strongly by steeping it for a long time. 🙂
I usually just grab a tea bag in the morning and fill my thermos with hot water at school! Simple and easy!
I steep my tea 3mins and sweeten it with honey! Hmm
just a tea bag and hot water. nothing else added 🙂
I always used a tea bag until recently, now I mostly brew loose tea
I usually brew loose leaf earl grey tea and add 1tsp of brown sugar and a splash of milk.
just add hot water to the cup with a tea bag, after a couple of minutes remove bag and drink, no milk or sugar, but sometimes I add honey
tweeted – https://twitter.com/Vesper1931/status/312289268171157504
To make life easier, I started drinking my black tea straight and it’s so much tastier that way. Anything but Red Rose.
I boil water and then put in a tea bag and pour!
I prefer my black teas with some milk, but green just as is.
I love tetley tea brewed in a large pot for 5 minutes to let it steep and drink it plain to savour every last drop.It’s great for iced tea as well.YUMM!
I use almost exclusively loose leaf and drink it without milk or sugar.
I prefer loose leaf tea but when I run out or am on the go, I use tea bags. I drink it plain – no milk or sugar. So comforting, especially on a cold and rainy day 🙂
i brew it and than chill in the fridge for my water bottle
I love tea! Orange pekoe steeped for 8 minutes, with a bit of sugar and milk. It is such a comfort on rainy days like today.
I usually drink it plain or with a bit of honey!
Milk and honey.
Honey and milk
I steep mine
Milk & sugar
I drink a matcha latte everyday, plain with skim milk
I love my tea at 165 degrees, with sugar cane or honey. It compliments my double chocolate chip cookie.
Firstly, I must be in my robe and fluffy slippers when I’m boiling my water. Secondly, I hem and haw for a couple of minutes over which tea to drink that day. Lastly, I fill my Snoopy mug and turn on my computer to start the day.
I drink plain green tea, nothing added, I will brew a small pot for myself in the evening …. it is my favourite tea.
I drink tea everyday. mostly loose leaf tea, and green tea (bags).
Pure with nothing added
Green tea with really hot water
I drink 2 mugs of Tetley’s peppermint tea per day for health issues with my kidneys and it has done wonders for me! I just steep for a few minutes in my mug, add some honey and that’s it!
i like mine plain or sometimes with honey and almond milk (for kinds like chai) it is definitely tea season in Vancouver.
Drink that stuff everyday!
With boiled water in a Brown Betty perfectly steeped until I can smell the aroma I like Jasmine tea. Hold a teenie tea ceremony and enjoy with a 100 gram chocolate bar no more no less
Just tea and H20 *yum*
I’d love to add honey and lemon to green tea!
No need for anything else but green tea – several cups a day!
Black tea with milk and spices (chai), herbal and green teas just boil water and steep.
Like my grandma does….with milk only!
I usually use loose tea. Green or herbal teas I drink clear. Black teas I like with milk, or sometimes a little Baileys!
orange pekoe boiled, then add milk, let it boil and then drink
if it’s green tea, i just steep it as is. if it’s earl grey or breakfast fea, then i steep it, add 2 sugar cubes, and some milk, and i’m good to go!
My new favourite is Tetley green tea with ginger honey that I bought at Edible Canada.
I steep my tea in a cute little teapot from David’s Tea. I normally drink green tea with a bit of honey or half a tsp of sugar.
I usually only drink tea when I run out of beer…
Just plain with hot water.
I steep me tea, add some sugar & milk unless I am drinking a fruit tea then just add sugar
Rainy days. Black tea and honey. Cozy bliss.
I like a little honey in my tea.
just tea:)
sometimes with ice and honey!
I steep it with some slices of fresh ginger! Yum!
I drink my tea black and with no sugar. I like to leave the tea bag in my cup when I drink green tea – strange I know.
I like my green tea iced with a little splash of agave nectar, or on a cold day I’ll squeeze in some lemon and drink it hot. =)
tea bag with hot water.
Glow with hot water all day long! I am not a water drinker so this helps
Most of the times I use tea bags and hot water.
Sometimes I add skim milk if it is a black tea, lattes are always nice for a change up 🙂
I like my tea with a bit of sugar and milk (not much of each, maybe half a tsp of sugar and a splash of milk for colour).
tweeted 🙂
Depends on the tea. If it is green I like it plain, but if it is chai I have to have milk in it.
Tea. Earl Grey. Hot…. and nothing in it. Gets the brain juices flowing 🙂
I drink tea sometimes at work for an afternoon pick-me-up! 🙂
Tea Bags
Loose leaf tea in a big mug
I boil the waer, swirl the tea pot, add black tea ( darjiling is my favourite),& let it seep for 5 minutes with tea cozy to ensure the tea stays piping hot. Then I drink my tea in a lovely china tea cup.
I keep it simple – boiling water and a tea bag.
It’s as simple as it can get-a tea bag and water-although usually made in my favourite mug!
I always start the morning with a cup of tea. Boil water and drop a tea bag in the mug.
Water.. tea bag.. and add some honey in when it’s done! Yummy!
i like all kinds of teas, hot with just a little bit of sugar
I like my tea without cream or sugar.
I drink loose green tea straight up without sweetener, and I make matcha green tea lattes by whisking matcha powder into soy milk simmering on the stovetop!
I love all kinds of tea, I usually drink loose leaf or brew a cup with the keurig
I like to have some cream and sugar in my tea 🙂
tweeted! https://twitter.com/toocutebows/status/312622618962427904
I drink my tea made from bags with nothing added!
super strong, with cream and sugar!
strong with milk and honey yum…
Switching to tea means no more dreaded coffee mouth. I prefer green teas or rooibos and grab a glass of hot tea as soon as I begin my morning. I use bagged tea at work and prefer loose whole leaf tea at home on the weekends. I always steep my tea at about 5 degrees under the boiling temperature (never ever boil the tea). 🙂
If it’s a green tea, I like it plain. Black teas I like with milk & sugar.
I sometimes use a tea ball or put loose leaf in a sachet and steep for a few minutes for a stronger brew. Usually drink it plain but will add some cane sugar and splash of milk for earl greys or honey/lemon/ginger in green teas.
drink it plain. taste the best. if its a bit bitter, add a little honey
Chai with a splash of milk every morning or plain if it’s a herbal tea.
I like my tea black!
tammykd at live dot com
I drink so much tea! I start in the morning with some matcha powder in my green smoothie. Then, I have a breakfast blend with soya and stevia. At lunch I have an organic chai, again with soya and stevia. Ay night I drink herbal teas, usually a mint or something similar.
I love tetley green tea, I drink it by the cup all day long
plain, no sweetener or milk
I like green tea or orange pekoe and milk
Hot and lots of it!
I drink it with a slice of lemon and ginger
It depends on what kind of tea I am drinking.
If it is an herbal tea, I will just add honey, but if it is orange pekoe or earl grey, I will add a little milk.
Mmmmm… I love tea!
I use a tea strainer! Little bit of milk too.
Black (no milk or sugar)
loose leaf with just hot water
tea bags and a little steamed milk in it
Add hot water and enjoy! Mmmm
Either loose lead or bagged tea, I add hot water and leave the tea in. I like it strong.
With a little bit of milk
Tea bag, with a little milk and sugar.
I love lemon and splenda in my tea (orange pekoe)
I add a spoonful of honey to my tea
I love love love tea. No coffee for me, green tea is the way I wake up in the mornings! On weekdays I use tea bags as it’s quicker, boiling the water as I get ready, giving it some time to cool so it steeps at the right temperature. On weekends I prefer looseleaf as I have the time to enjoy it and clean up after. There’s now a tea sommelier class being offered at VCC which sounds really interesting, and they’ve got new perfect temperature kettles made for tea lovers. Both things I should be investing in too! Along with some knowledge of the healing properties of various leaves and flowers. All in time I suppose. The Tetley pack would be a fantastic start!
I drink my tea many ways, love fruit teas, green tea and earl grey
I’ve gotten into the habit of having it every day at work. I almost always have it with just water, no milk unless I get it from Starbucks.
I’m almost through my Tazo teas and looking for some new delicious flavours to try.
I like my tea with honey!
Milk tea and honey!
a little honey!
I like it plain
Matcha green tea with soy semi-sweet. 8^)
I drink my green tea plain
green tea plain or depends on my mood
I drink Tetley tea about 4 times.
I drink all my teas just black – nothing added
I love my tea with sugar and milk!
Tea bags, hot water, and a little milk.
Tea bags, hot water and honey mmmmmm
My tea is steeped using my cute little ducky tea strainer from Teaz
I tweeted https://twitter.com/AliciaMillette/status/313108106156584961
green tea steeped in hot water
Straight up, no caffeine, at bedtime, with my book.
Just hot water for green/white tea. A bit of honey for black tea.
water and teabag and leave it steep
Pure or with a little bit of honey depending on how I feel.
depends on my mood, sometimes without anything, sometimes with alittle honey or sugar
I make my tea with bagged green tea and honey! Yum!
With green tea and herbal tea, I usually drink it as is. On some occasions (e.g. if I feel a sore throat coming on), I will add honey and lemon to my green tea. I also love drinking black tea and I take it with milk and sugar.
I drink loose leaf green & roasted green tea.
I already drink Tetley Green Tea. I use a glass mug, and drink it plain – no milk, no sugar. I like to smell and taste the other additional ingredients.
I use fresh water brought to a rolling boil and brew it in a preheated teapot. I drink it clear, without sugar to enjoy the full flavour of the tea.
I usually use tea bags. I’m trying to get back to drinking green and roiboos teas, but am still more tempted by coffee first thing in the morning.
Tea everyday, all day.
I use tea bags and no sugar/no milk.
i just use a bag, or my tassimo, with some milk in it,, 🙂
I drink a lot of loose leaf tea. And almost always with nothing additionally added. Though sometimes I will add a tiny bit of milk to see how it effects the flavour.
i put a little milk and sugar with my tea bag
A little milk and sugar.
i enjoy steeping loose tea.
I like my green tea as it comes …great way to quit smoking too.
Have a cup instead of a cigarette and before you know it you are smoke free.
Worked for me.
orange pekoe! w/ 1 and 1
I am the Duke of Earl Gray. Steeped at length with milk and sugar. Green tea is done loose.
I love tea.
I like my tea sweet unless it’s chamomile or peppermint – then just the tea with nothing added
with a little sugar
i love tetley green tea! i drink it all the time, but in a bag, not loose. and plain. always plain. i also love english breakfast. that i take with milk and honey.
drink my tea curled up with a good book in front of the fire (a place like Tofino!)
in the summer I also brew the tea and make tea-flavoured ice-cubes
Drink it warm with nothing added – nice and simple!
Earl Grey with milk.
Green tea on its own, or if brewed too long, sweetened with a little honey.
I have a kitchen cupboard devoted to tea.
Just steeped. No sugar, no cream. Can’t do black tea though!
I drink straight loose leaf green tea most of the time. I also appreciate peppermint and chamomile teas for digestion and to help with sleep. I don’t add anything else.
Plain ! No sugar or cream. Yum!
I will steep the tea then at lemon slice and honey and either drink it hot or cool it down put some ice and mint leaf into the glass and enjoy a refreshing drink 🙂
I like my tea steeped one cup at a time with milk and sugar, thank you:)
Pure tea…
I love my steeper and I usually make all my teas without milk or sweetener, unless I am ill, in which case I go for chamomile with honey and lemon.
I mix regular green tea with other blends
Just hot water and tea bag although sometimes I brew loose leaf tea as well.
steep it in hot water .. wait a few mins and drink
With a little bit of honey and some cardamom and fennel seeds…YUM!
Just plain with no sugar or milk!
I have a wonderful “Made in Canada” Paderno Vienna stainless steel teapot for my tea. I always “mother” the pot with scalding water and drain before pouring the boiling water over the Tetley teabags. I use one teabag per cup of tea. I cover with my homemade tea cozy and wait 10 minutes before pouring the perfect cup of tea. I like to add some local honey to my tea. Tetley is my favorite brand of tea and when I travel I keep a small container of teabags in my purse because no other brand tastes as good to me. The perfect cuppa is accompanied by a homemade gingersnap or speculaas cookie when available.
I enjoy my tea with a little milk and sugar. I enjoy it in the morning with toast. I have enjoyed toast and tea in the morning since I was a child.
Tea and honey 🙂
I use my keurig to brew k-cup teas, I boil hot water and use traditional tea bags, and when I’m hot a pour a glass of ice tea! I love tea!!!
depending on the kind of tea but i dont usually add anything but a slice of lemon.
I shave off ginger root and steep it along with green tea. Yummy!
I drink black tea – black!
Touch of milk (not cream) and half-teasp raw sugar.
I love tea. Born in England I am a traditionalist. Black tea with alittle milk and sugar.
I like my tea really hot and with milk.
I tweeted-https://twitter.com/409cope/status/314548528548560896
I like to brew my tea in a brown betty teapot that my grandma bought for me years ago!
nancyrobster at gmail dot com
nancyrobster at gmail dot com
I love both black and green tea
Black Teas – add milk and sugar. Greens – straight up 🙂