Visiting Studio Cloud 30 with Warren Dean Flandez
byIt starts out as an email to my contact form. A publicist, friend, or artist sends an email to tell me about a new album, act, or show that’s coming up in Vancouver. I’ll reply, possibly book an interview, and the next thing you know it I’m following the blossoming careers of performers like Mojave, Dear Rouge, The Matinee, and Warren Dean Flandez.
I first spoke to Warren in the spring 2011 (around the launch of his R&B album Vintage Love) and we met at Surrey’s Fusion Festival a few months later. A short time after that, he was on CBC’s Cover Me Canada and now he’s signed to Reliant/Warner having just released a new single (“My Baby Comes First“). Last week Warren invited me over to his artist development company StudioCloud30 to catch up and show me around the space.
The hallway leading to the front door was unassuming, your run-of-the-mill office building corridor. However, when the door opened to StudioCloud30 there was ambiant music, a sweet aroma in the air, and crisp modern furnishings that made you feel as though you were arriving at the spa for a facial.

“I really wanted the aesthetic of the studio to kind of reflect our clients. I wanted them to feel luxurious and modern and cutting edge when they come here so we really wanted to try and do that.” Warren said that with regards to the white walls and fixtures they also had their clients in mind. “The colour that comes through is the talent and creativity and they can splash on the walls. It lets them be the statement that pops when they walk in.”

“We have clients in the recording booth who get to take home a professional recording when they’re done. When they get to hear themselves back, it’s really honest, really true, and they get to grow from what they’re learning.”
Studio Cloud 30 was incorporated by Warren in 2010 and he said it was hard leaving for 2 months when he did Cover Me Canada but it was an invaluable experience that opened a lot of doors. Now, he’s back at the studio, he has the new single that’s getting airplay, and he’s also a faculty member at Capilano University in their Arts and Entertainment Management program. “I’ve been around forever and a day and just to be able to share what I’ve gone through and my knowledge is huge.”
With Studio Cloud 30, Warren says they cater what they do, and how they teach, to the individual needs of their clients. They currently offer vocal coaching, guitar and piano lessons, acting voice over coaching, along with the administrative side of being an artist which includes bio writing, photography, graphic design, performance coaching, and writing.
“What I looked for when hiring my instructors was if they had various training in all different fields because what might be great for someone might not be great for another person. It’s all about taking different facets of vocal coaching and creating one customized plan for the individual artist.”
Warren offered me a vocal lesson, which I politely declined before he finished his sentence, but if were to work on my pitch anywhere but my shower or my car, I would look to StudioCloud30. It’s always heartwarming to see someone follow their dreams with passion and determination, and it’s even more rewarding when you see their hard work pay off.