Snowy Mountain Photos from the Miss604 Flickr Pool
byWe’ve been away in Iowa for the last part of the month where temperatures have been working their way down to -20C. It’s the type of cold that impedes you from going outside and enjoying the snow — feet of snow that fell weeks ago but remains on the ground due to the chill. When it snows in Vancouver, aside from traffic snarls and headaches, our region becomes a winter playground. Snowshoeing, tubing, skiing, boarding, and even continuing sunny day activities like kayaking and cycling. Over the last week I’ve seen a handful of breathtaking photos from the local mountains so I’ve made them the focus of today’s roundup from the Miss604 Flickr Pool.

Photo credit: Mark Faviell on Flickr
Photo credit: {e u g e n e} & {e u g e n e} on Flickr
Photo credit: GlacierTim on Flickr
Photo credit: TimCheung604 on Flickr
Photo credit: mountainhiker & mountainhiker on Flickr
Photo credit: bcbusinesshub on Flickr
As always, please click through on these images to view more work from the photographers and feel free to share your own photos with the Miss604 Flickr Pool. View all photo collections here.