Archives Photos of the Day: West End Houses
byAs much as I love the diversity of neighbourhoods in Vancouver, from the quiet oak-lined streets of the West Side to the community parks of Strathcona and the sloped views of Sunset, the West End downtown has been my home for nearly seven years now. I love that I can walk in a block or two from a major downtown street and hear birds chirping and lawn mowers trimming. Today’s round-up of photos from the Vancouver Public Library‘s archives features the grand old houses of the West End, some of which are still around today.

1904 Gabriola Mansion, Davie at Nicola. VPL Accession Number: 7161. Photographer: Philip Timms.
(Left) 1910s 1025 Gilford. VPL Accession Number: 16134. Photographer: Leonard Frank.
(Right) 1900s Burnaby street. VPL Accession Number: 7175. Photographer: Philip Timms.
(Left) 1900s North east corner of Nicola & Davie. VPL Accession Number: 7152. Photographer: Philip Timms.
(Right) 1900s Nelson street houses at Chilco. VPL Accession Number: 7130. Photographer: Philip Timms.
1900s West End houses. VPL Accession Number: 7160. Photographer: Philip Timms.
(Left) 1908 Burnaby at Jervis. VPL Accession Number: 1881. Photographer: Philip Timms.
(Right) 1908 Barclay street house. VPL Accession Number: 7445. Photographer: Philip Timms.
1900s Nelson street at Chilco. VPL Accession Number: 7171. Photographer: Philip Timms.
(Left) 1950 Houses on Melville. VPL Accession Number: 81121H. Photographer / Studio: Artray.
(Right) 1950 Houses on Melville. VPL Accession Number: 81121F. Photographer / Studio: Artray.
1943 Home at 1945 Barclay. VPL Accession Number: 16076. Photographer: Leonard Frank.
2 Comments — Comments Are Closed
Very nice post! Amazing to see the streets so empty compared to today
Thanks for the pictorial account of some of Vancouver’s historical homes. I’ve recently moved to the city and appreciate seeing some of the past.