Vancouver Fireworks Photos: 100 MegaPixels

Comments 4 by Rebecca Bollwitt

It’s the final day of the Honda Celebration of Light, the world’s largest offshore fireworks competition. Hundreds of thousands of spectators have been dazzled by Vietnam and Brazil already this week. The colours have been brighter, the explosions have been louder, and everyone’s ready to see what Italy brings to the skies tonight.

© Ronnie Miranda – Active Computer Services

The photographs that have been captured over the last two fireworks nights have been spectacular, from everyone who participated on Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram using the #Fireworks604 tag to those who submitted their images to the Miss604 Flickr Pool. Ronnie Miranda from Active Computer Services also sent me the following panoramic mega-zoom images that he captured from 27-storeys up in the West End on Wednesday:

© Ronnie Miranda – Active Computer Services

Ronnie has sent me images before which have been 1-billion pixels, captured using his GigaPan photography system. He told me that these are “only 102-megapixels” but they’re dazzling, regardless.

I look forward to taking my own photos from English Bay tonight and seeing even more sweet shots from others even if my Honda Celebration of Light photo contest is now closed. Remember to pack out what you pack in during the free fireworks show and help keep our parks and beaches beautiful. See this post for road closures, transit information, and viewing area suggestions.

Related posts: GigaPixel Fairview Vancouver at Dusk and Night, Gigapixel Time-Lapse of Vancouver, Gigapixel Photography Exhibit, GigaPan Epic Giveaway (now closed), Vancouver Video Collection, Canucks Fan Time-Lapse, Vancouver Time-Lapse Videos.

4 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. ChrisSunday, August 5th, 2012 — 9:18am PDT

    Fantastic! Thanks for sharing!

  2. HeatherSunday, August 5th, 2012 — 9:37am PDT

    So cool…you are the best!

  3. RyanTuesday, August 7th, 2012 — 10:34am PDT

    Just getting “Internal server error”, no photos.

  4. Rebecca Bollwitt, Miss604 Rebecca BollwittTuesday, August 7th, 2012 — 10:35am PDT

    @Ryan, on my page or from the Gigapan site? All of the images are embedded with zoom buttons (like how a Google Map would be embedded).

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