GregorLive: Vancouver Mayor Chat

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Tomorrow afternoon, Bob from Vancouver is Awesome and I will be sitting down with Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson to have a chat. What will make this opportunity unique is that we’ll be asking questions that have been submitted by our readers.

gregorlive-final#GregorLive. Bob and I will then collect the questions and @MayorGregor will respond. Have you ever wanted to know something about Vancouver? What’s the Mayor’s favourite bike path in the city? Where does he recommend you go for Sunday brunch? Does he know if there are tunnels under Chinatown?

The live chat will take place Tuesday, April 3, 2012 from 3:00pm to 4:00pm. Follow @Miss604, @VIAwesome, @MayorGregor, and most importantly, the tag #GregorLive.

We’ll try to get to as many questions as possible and thing left over, or anything that might need an expanded answer, will be posted here – on my post – and over on Vancouver is Awesome.

Update I’m liveblogging the question and answer session with Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson right now. It will begin at 3:00pm and we’ll be using the tag #GregorLive to find questions on Twitter. The Mayor will tweet out his answers from @VanMayorsOffice account.

Update The first question comes from Bob @VIAwesome: “Kicking off #GregorLive with a q from ME!: Gregor, which did you like better, playoff beard or #Movember moustache?:”

Mayor Gregor Robertson: “Kicking off #gregorlive with @VIAwesome @Miss604. 1st Q: playoff beard or Movember ‘stache? @MayorGregor says playoff beard! #gocanucks”

Question from @Lazin_Ryder: “How’s your cat? #GregorLive”

Mayor Gregor Robertson: “#gregorlive my rescue cat “Kitty” is doing great, thanks for asking a great question @Lazin_Ryder”

Question from @JustinYVR: “Justin Young ‏ @justinyvr Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
.@MayorGregor What’s your stance on the possibility of free transit in #Vancouver? Especially given #Gregorlive”

Mayor Gregor Robertson: “. @JustinYVR we need big growth in public transit in our region, Broadway is the busiest transit corridor in BC #gregorlive

Question from me: “#GregorLive @VanMayorsOffice – I grew up in #SurreyBC & they’re a great neighbour to #Vancouver. What’s your fave thing about Surrey?”

Mayor Gregor Robertson: “. @Miss604: @MayorGregor says his fav thing about Surrey is the stunning new library (designed by @BTArchitects) #gregorlive”

Question from @paulwittal: “When will Vancouver finally have a public bike share system? #GregorLive!”

Mayor Gregor Robertson: “. @paulwhittal Vancouver public bike share pilot at Velo-City conf this summer, and hopefully operational within a year #gregorlive”

Question from @Phanyxx: “@MayorGregor Do you feel that height caps on new condo dev’ments are stifling Vancouver’s growth or is that practice beneficial? #GregorLive”

Mayor Gregor Robertson: “. @Phanyxx We need to be thoughtful about building heights, consider community amenities and protect view corridors #gregorlive”

Question from @mostlydana: “@MayorGregor Plans 2 expand foodcarts beyond DT + parks (summer only) in2 ‘hoods so more ppl can enjoy? Many don’t live/work DT. #GregorLive”

Mayor Gregor Robertson: “.@mostlydana mostly downtown & parks this year, looking to expand food carts as program as popularity grows even further #gregorlive”

Question from @RobbieDrizzle: “@MayorGregor What is the city doing to foster and promote high tech start-ups and entrepreneurship in Vancouver? #GregorLive”

Mayor Gregor Robertson: “.@RobbieDrizzle We have most entrepreneurs per capita than any city in N America, and a digital media powerhouse #gregorlive” & “. @RobbieDrizzle We’re updating zoning for more office space and tech hubs @VanEconomic working hard on local econ growth #gregorlive”

Question from @lindzmarsh: “@Miss604 @VIAwesome @MayorGregor How does Gregor feel about the 10month lockout of onboard attendants by RockyMountaineer? Thnx! #GregorLive”

Mayor Gregor Robertson: “@lindzmarsh RockyMountaineer situation very unfortunate, reflects poorly on Vancouver & our tourism. Hoping for resolution soon #gregorlive”

Question from @econgroupltd: “#GregorLive How do u feel the creation of a National Housing Strategy + coordinated strategy on affordable housing would support u locally?”

Mayor Gregor Robertson: “. @econgroupltd Nat. Housing strategy would be a big help, we need more support from both Fed. & Prov. governments #gregorlive”

Question from @brotoxshot: “Is this Schneider’s last season as a Canuck? #GregorLive” & “Will young stars like Lucic, Hodgson, Couture, Hall, Stamkos & Nugent-Hopkins bring us Olympic gold in 2014? #GregorLive”

Mayor Gregor Robertson: “. @brotoxshot Schneider is a keeper! #gocanucks #gregorlive” & “. @brotoxshot young whippersnappers look good and we’re poised for another hockey gold in 2014 #gregorlive”

Question from: @brotoxshot: “We have the necessary market, facilities & fanbase…will Vancouver host a Wrestlemania in the next 5 years? #GregorLive.”

Mayor Gregor Robertson: “. @brotoxshot best wishes to the bid committee #gregorlive”

Question from @KurtisKolt: “@MayorGregor! In the push to #UpdateLiquorLaws to support business, what are the city’s plans to keep the pressure on BC gov’t? #GregorLive”

Mayor Gregor Robertson: “. @KurtisKolt @riotheatre we will continue to push for updates to many outdated liquor laws that need fixing. Cc. @vanrealdeal #gregorlive”

Question from @SaveonMeats about what kind of meat the mayor eats

Mayor Gregor Robertson: ” @SaveOnMeats: I don’t eat meat, but do eat sustainable seafood. I used to raise venison, chickens when I was a farmer #gregorlive”

Question from: @carbontalks: “@MayorGregor How do you personally contribute each day to helping us reach our Greenest City Action Plan goals? #gregorlive #carbontalks”

Mayor Gregor Robertson: “. @carbontalks cycle/take transit, eat local food, focus 24/7 on reducing Van carbon emissions, no indoor home fossil fuels #gregorlive”

Question from: @RiskAce “Gregor what did u think of the VancouverCityStudio presentations last week? Engaging students directly seems a great idea to me #GregorLive”

Mayor Gregor Robertson: “. @riskace Fantastic work by @CityStudioVan students! Inspired by their creative, practical projects to build the #greenestcity #gregorlive” & “. @CityStudioVan was created out of our #talkgreentous engagement in 2011, we implemented quickly as part of #greenestcity #gregorlive”

Question from @cbruntlett: “@VanMayorsOffice Received 2 cycling helmet violations this Spring. Will council take leadership on this counterproductive law?”

Mayor Gregor Robertson: “. @cbruntlett the helmet law saves lives, and it is provincial legislation as well #gregorlive.”

Question from @danie_bagel: “Hey, @MayorGregor, given the death of a cyclist this week, what can we do to make cycling even safer in #vancity? #GregorLive”

Mayor Gregor Robertson: “. @danie_bagel so very sad to hear of her passing, know she was a phenomenal teacher and community leader who touched many lives #gregorlive” & “. @danie_bagel we need to keep improving cycling lanes & raise safety awareness by both drivers & cyclists at every opportunity #gregorlive”

Question from @VIAwesome: “Another q from me: What are you and @Strombo gonna talk about? #gregorlive”

Mayor Gregor Robertson: “. @VIAwesome I hope @strombo asks me about city-building and maybe about hockey. I hear he’s a big Habs fan #gocanucks #gregorlive”

Question from @alextch: “Based on your experience, any particular tips for a young renter who’s looking to get involved to make their city even better? #GregorLive”

Mayor Gregor Robertson: “. @alexetch Housing Affordability task force looking at making Van more affordable for young renters, eager to hear your views #gregorlive”

Question from @TheFictionals: “When will we next see you up on a performing arts stage? Would you perhaps be interested in trying out some improv comedy? #GregorLive”

Mayor Gregor Robertson: “. @thefictionals I get rare opportunities to play music on stage with folks like @danmanganmusic, I’m not an improv performer #gregorlive”

Question from @ColorMag: “#GregorLive Did you know that we’re going for a World Record for Most Skateboard Parks Skated in a Single Day on April 5th in Vancouver?”

Mayor Gregor Robertson: “. @COLORMAG great to hear! How many skateparks in one day? Love the 1 at Kensington. Been in touch w/ @parkboard’s @sarahblyth? #gregorlive”

Question from @ZuluRecords: “Hey gregor! we hear your DJ skills are amazing would you like to spin some tunes for RECORDSTOREDAY 2012 @zulurecords 04/21/12 #gregorlive”

Mayor Gregor Robertson: “. @zulurecords Congrats on winning best record store in the country! Thanks for the props, I’ll try my best on the DJ front. #gregorlive”

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2 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. Urban AmericanoTuesday, April 3rd, 2012 — 3:54pm PDT

    What is your favourite coffee?

  2. CKNW – Dave’s Totally Awesome Social Media Show – April 7, 2012 | Communications Inc.Saturday, April 7th, 2012 — 5:10pm PDT

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