Athletics for Kids Gala 2012: Wrap-Up
byAthletics for Kids (“A4K”) hosted their 10th annual Vegas Night fundraising gala on Friday, March 30th at the Hollyburn Country Club in West Vancouver. Hundreds of guests were in attendance to support the cause, enjoy a silent and live auction, and catch a few amateur boxers square off in the dining room’s centre ring.

Photos by John Bollwitt for and Athletics for Kids.
The evening’s program was hosted by TEAM 1040’s Barry MacDonald and we even had the anthem sung by Mark Donelley prior to the first bell of the matches. The Hollyburn Country Club’s gymnasium was the perfect venue since, while it was beautifully decorated, the theme of sport echoed throughout. As a result of the festivities, and many generous donors, over $52,000 was raised for Athletics for Kids.
Equipment costs, fees, and more can prevent a child in BC from participating and gaining valuable life skills through organized sport. This is where Athletics for Kids comes in. They work to provide support for financially disadvantaged youth in the community, giving them greater access to organized sports in conjunction with their academic endeavours.
A4K is a privately-funded charity whose support is available across BC for children ages 5 to 18 who are currently enrolled in school. You can find out more about Athletics for Kids online, make a donation, and follow them on Facebook, and Twitter.