A-Maze-Ing Laughter Statues English Bay
byThe jovial A-Maze-Ing Laughter statues in Morten Park by Chinese artist Yue Minjun have brought smiles to the faces of locals and visitors for the last few years. As a part of the Vancouver Biennale public art exhibition, time is running out on these painted bronze figures at English Bay. That is, unless the Park Board hears your thoughts.

Photo credit: Jody Taylor & veronique_m on Flickr – Submitted to the Miss604 Flickr Pool
Photo credit: midnightglory on Flickr – Submitted to the Miss604 Flickr Pool
Thanks to the Vancouver Public Spaces Network on Twitter I came across some new information about the piece: “The Vancouver Park Board has received an offer from the Vancouver Biennale Foundation to extend the public exhibition of this sculpture for a period of 20 years at no cost to the City, the Vancouver Park Board or residents.”
According to the source of this news, the Park Board is doing a public consultation, asking residents if they support the idea of keeping A-Maze-Ing Laughter at English Bay.
This is a regular part of the approval process for public art so to show your support, email pbcomment[at]vancouver.ca with the subject line of “Biennale Consultation” and “Attention: Coordinator, Arts and Culture”. Deadline for sending in your feedback is March 16, 2012.
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These statues are one of our West End favourites at VancouverMom.ca. They’re not just delightful for grown-ups, kids love them, too. We hope they get to stay!