Stanley Park Cycling Plan 2012
byCycling all 8.9 kilometers of the Stanley Park Sea Wall is just the thing to do when you visit or live in Vancouver. Cyclists on one side, pedestrians on another, rotating in counter-clockwise fashion. Tandems, unicycles (we caught a few of these the other day), cruisers, mountain bikes, and rollerbladers who hover somewhere in the middle of the divided path. The Vancouver Park Board is currently updating its Stanley Park Cycling Plan and they would like your input.
Draft Stanley Park Cycling Plan
“The vision of the Cycling Plan is to create a cycling network where it is safe, comfortable, and convenient to cycle to and from Stanley Park, and cycle within the park. Central to this vision is enhancing the cycling experience in such a way that it improves the overall park experience for all users while ensuring the preservation of identity and ‘sense of place,’ that is so valued at Stanley Park. This often means balancing competing interests. To achieve this, the plan seeks to: Enhance the Stanley Park Experience for All Users; Put ‘Pedestrians First!’; Improve Cycling as Recreation, and Improve Cycling as Transportation.”

Source: DRAFT Stanley Park Bike Plan
Some issues that are noted in the draft:
- Challenge of one-way system: One way system constrains return to downtown from attractions along the Seawall and in the park.
- Facility contraints: There is insufficient bike parking at major park attractions.
- Conflicts between user groups: Congestion and conflict with pedestrians at dismount areas. Conflict between southbound cyclists on the Causeway just south of the
bridge and motorists exiting the Causeway. - Ecological concerns: Impact of cycling on Stanley Park ecology from activities such as cycling on trails near water bodies.
- Lack of connectivity: Unclear connections in places like the Causeway to Second Beach, Second Beach back to Downtown, Sea Wall and Prospect Point, Lions Gate Bridge to the trails.
- Ineffective signage/wayfinding for cyclists within the park.

Source: DRAFT Stanley Park Bike Plan
You can Download and view the Draft Plan in PDF format. The Park Board is asking that you direct any feedback to Project Manager Ben Mulhall.
3 Comments — Comments Are Closed
I notice a fair amount of people going “backwards” around the current pathing scheme of the seawall.
I personally always found it annoying as a pedestrian when bikes went both ways.. most people on the bikes (in my experiences) don’t watch for people walking (even though there is a specific bike path/pedestrian path). This goes for rollerbladers too 😉
I’m for a change, and better signage etc. I am sure it will be nicer to have more exits routes for cyclists too. Some people don’t realize how far the entire seawall around Stanley Park is. Granted, on a bike, it is quicker to go around than by foot.
Funny, I always found that pedestrians don’t watch for cyclists. 😛 But in all seriousness, it’s the “tourist” pedestrians and cyclists that are the issue. You can always spot the regulars vs. the casuals. Better signs will help and 2 way bike lanes will definitely be a bonus. The unfortunate truth is though, that sea wall is congested and always will be. It’s kind of Vancouver’s thing. If you’re on the sea wall getting grumpy at either cyclists or pedestrians, it’s kind of your own fault for being on one of the largest tourist attractions in the city. You should know by now going into it, there are going to be a lot of inconsiderate people.
I agree with annonymous. It’s the pedestrians that don’t watch for cyclists. As I cycle I am constantly watching what’s coming up. Many pedestrians are unaware. It is especially irksome when I ring my bell and they don’t even acknowledge me. The most important thing to me when riding the seawall is that I wish the bike lane was clearly marked with a white line down the centre and signage that says “Keep right except to pass”. The regulars know that unwritten rule already but for tourists and newbies, signage and clearly marked lanes would help prevent accidents and bottlenecks and the right lane would allow tourists and those who want to go slow or stop to take pictures. I do like to ride fast and it would not be a problem if all riders and skaters would just keep to the right except to pass. It makes perfect sense so I hope they can make that happen.