Vancouver History: Bailey Bros. Photography
byThe Bailey brothers, Charles S. and William, setup shop in Vancouver at the end of the 19th century. Charles was the first to arrive from Ontario and form a photography company partnership, Neelands & Bailey, which lasted about a year. In 1890 William joined his brother in Vancouver and Bailey Bros Photography was born.

1886 – Tremont Hotel on Carrall betwen Powell & Cordova. Archives item# SGN 123.
1888 – Looking East on Hastings from Granville. Archives item# Str P127.
1890 – Cordova Street. Archives item# CVA 1376-91.
1892 – Dawson School at Helmcken & Hornby Streets. Archives item# SGN 48.
1890s – 500 block of West Hastings. Archives item# SGN 14.
1890s – Ferguson residence at Burrard and Howe. Archives item# SGN 67.
1890s – English Bay. Archives item# SGN 151.
1890s – Townley residence at Hastings & Burrard. Archives item# SGN 299.
All photographs by Charles S. Bailey.
Over the years Charles and William captured Vancouver as it became a city. Charles usually took most of the photos while William ran the business which operated out of Vancouver and also Kamloops. In 1896, at just 27 years old, Charles passed away. During his short life, he captured Vancouver as it became a city and was, according to the Camera Workers of BC registry, the first professional Canadian photographer to visit Hawaii.
Related photographer profiles: Leonard Frank, Fred Herzog, Philip Timms, Don Coltman.
1 Comment — Comments Are Closed
Really great photos. Like looking at another world. (I am Charles’ great-grandson.)