Illuminate Yaletown 2012
byIlluminate Yaletown returns next month as the historic streets of Yaletown host a winter festival complete with dazzling installations. Light art exhibits will be glowing between Drake and Nelson, on Mainland and Hamilton Streets once the sun sets on February 10th and 11th.
Illuminate Yaletown utilizes advanced video and lighting technology that is both cutting edge and power smart. Showcasing the latest technological and environmental advancements in the lighting and power generation, this light show has the ability to awe the audience with its brilliance. Illuminate Yaletown is an event that can speak to the use of renewable power sources, cleaner generation technologies as well as more efficient light technologies.

Photo credit: Matzuda on Flickr – Submitted to the Miss604 Flickr Pool
Photo credit: Adam Nowek & mountainhiker on Flickr – Submitted to the Miss604 Flickr Pool
The event is free to attend and explore and will host a photo competition on Flickr. Add your photos to the Illuminate Yaletown group and tag them with “Vancouver” and “Yaletown”.
Illuminate Yaletown is a part of City and Slope that will take place around Vancouver February 9 to 11, 2012, tying in events on the local mountains with festivities in town.
1 Comment — Comments Are Closed
I love when Vancouver turns into a living art gallery! Thank you for the reminder about Illuminate Yaletown!