BC Blanket Drive on the Canada Line

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

Along the Canada Line, this Friday and Saturday, donation boxes will be setup for the BC Blanket Drive.

BC Blanket DriveThe public are asked to bring donations of warm clothing items (not just blankets) to drop off for the campaign. This includes socks, scarves, mittens, and toques as well.

The donations will then be distributed to various organizations such as Covenant House, SHARE Society, Mission Community Services, Union Gospel Mission and Lookout Aid Society.

Volunteers will be at Waterfront, Vancouver City Centre, Yaletown, Broadway, Oakridge, Bridgeport, Aberdeen, and Richmond Brighouse stations on November 25th and 26th from 8:00am until 5:00pm.

There is also a fundraising event for Blanket BC tonight at The Junction pub on Davie and general donations by mail or PayPal are accepted for the cause. Follow Blanket BC on Facebook and Twitter for news and information.

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