Canucks & PepsiCo Prize Basket
byPepsiCo Canada and Canucks Sports & Entertainment have teamed up this year with Pepsi having the official beverage and food agreement with Rogers Arena.

Image courtesy of PepsiCo Canada
The Canucks For Kids Fund benefited immediately from this contract as PepsiCo Canada donated $10,000 to the cause along with a pair of Canucks home game tickets to the Canucks Centre for BC Hockey.
To celebrate this partnership, I have been given a giant prize basket to give away to one of my readers, perfect for a night of watching the Canucks from the comfort of your living room. The basket includes: A supply of Lay’s Potato Chips, Lay’s/Canucks branded t-shirt, Lay’s/Canucks branded hat, Vancouver Canucks Coasters, Lay’s hockey puck, Pepsi branded t-shirt, Pepsi branded drinking cup, Pepsi branded hand clapper.
Here’s how you can enter to win:
- Leave a comment naming your favourite game-time snack (1 entry)
- Post the following on Twitter (1 entry)
I will draw one winner at random from all entries at 9:00am on Friday, October 21, 2011. I will be personally delivering the prize to the winner since I would have no idea how to mail it out – it’s just that big.
Update The winner is Brenda!
156 Comments — Comments Are Closed
definitely nachos!! damn now I want nachos..
Giant hotdogs!
Coke slurpee and Dill Pickle chips (don’t ask).
My favorite snack has got to be Miss Vickie’s sea salt and vinegar chips!
Nachos for sure!
Pick me!
7 layer dip
Salted Pretzles!!… or maybe a churro
Easy peasy, Nachos straight from the oven, just in time for puck drop! Also conveniently available if I’m actually at the game. 😀
Hot Dogs!
pita, humous and calamari!
Our fav gametime snack is my nacho bake….nachos with salsa and shreded cheese baked in the oven…the kids have mini homemade pizzas 😀
mmmmm nachos and Pepsi
Hot wings 4 me…
Chili Chicken… Mmmmmm
Air popped popcorn!
Lays ketchup chips
I love salted shelled peanuts!
I love nachos, esp with a coke!
Beer and Pizza
I love potato chips, one of the only times I indulge!
I also tweeted @sassyanna
Nachos and beer 😛
Pizza and beer with Pepsi on the side!
Popcorn is king!
Tandoori Chicken and Guiness… Odd combination, but it’s great.
Pirates Bootie popcorn
Homemade caramel popcorn
potato chips and onion dip
Pizza and chips
Ice cream
Liquid diet!! Beer!
favourite game-time snack – gotta be a big ol’ bag of Lays classic chips!! Canucks all the way!!
Smart food and all dressed chips!
Wings,pizza and chips with french onion dip are part of our regular weekend game watching.Love the weekends!
What a combination – pop and chips and hockey.
Pizza. Definitely pizza.
Healthy snacks. Celery and carrot sticks
Baby garlic dill pickles straight from the jar and dried seaweed rule in our house!
nacho with cheese and salsa !
Nacho chips mmm!!!
Lays sour cream and onion chips. Yum!
Pizza and beer 😀
hot dog
Chips and dip!
Popcorn is the best for game night.
Sour cream and onion or ketchup chips from Lay’s.
Nachos with lots of cheese & jalapenos.
Smartfood popcorn or 7 layer dip!
what else, Popcorn @ Rogers Arena, Pepsi & Lay’s Potato Chips!!♥♥♥
wings, nachos or chips
Anything with beer! Wings are always great. Thanks
Always nachos!
Go Pepsi Go!!! Love that prize pack.
Popcorn and Twizzlers 🙂
nachos and wings!
Crunchy cheesies all the way
Beer and wings!
N a c h o s !
Popcorn !!!!
A perfect night in!
Pizza and popcorn!
Pepsie and lays chips – yum!
Hot Dogs!
5 layer dip!
Nachos, and a Bacardi raspberry rum and diet Pepsi – so glorious!!
definitely nachos !
Definitely dill pickle chips.. In arena is peanuts
chips and hockey… What could be better?!
Nachos for sure.
Nachos all the way!
Miss Vickie’s pepper and lime chips!
You gotta love this contest!Just reading over all the snack foods I’m getting hungry.I tweeted about this wonderful prize!Wings!!!
mm nachos and beer!
Chicken Wings !
nachos especialle!
Candy and Chips
Hmm…. candy and ice tea.
Salt and vinegar chips!
original Lays & beer
Baked Lays and Retro Pepsi
A big pretzel or maybe some popcorn
Hot Wings and Chocolate milk!
Definitely nachos!
Fully loaded nachos and ice cold pop.
Nachos and Chicken Wings!
Lays wavy potato chips…got to be wavy!
Hot dog or burger
NACHOS! Its gotta be nachos haha 🙂 MMMMMMMMMMM i wish snacks would be freakin cheaper though! lol
My favorite snacks at game time is nachos with cheese dip, a large soft salted pretzel and a large collectors cup of Pepsi with a little. It of ice. That take me to the game. Mmmmmmm
Chicken wings and beer
Pretzels are good! Or a giant bowl of frozen fruit yummmmm!
Lays chips, of course!
Mini pulled pork burgers and crispy chips! They’re so good together.
Definitely nachos! Mmm 🙂
hot wings
Nachos, Wings and Pizza, all shared with good friends!
Go Canucks!
Will you deliver to Ontario? 😉 Just kidding… if I win, I have lots of friends and family in Vancouver… 😉
Oh, and favorite in-game snack has got to be sweet potato fries…
definitely wings!
Homemade soft pretzels, fresh out of the oven.
Pepsi and a hotdog
I LOVE dill pickle potato chips!
nachos with lots of cheese
Pizza n wings (original I know) 😛
Nachos all the way! <3
Nachos – lots of salsa!
definitely the nachos! love the creamy cheesy!
Nachos with lots of cheese and jalepenos!!
Love nachos
Beer. 😉
Lay’s Lighlty Salted Chips 🙂
BBQ Chips & Rootbeer favourite game-time snack!
beer and wings!
pizza for me!
Chips and dip
I love an adult beverage and some Salt N Vinegar Lays chips (or Zesty Doritos, but shhhhh!!)!!
home made popcorn (made on the stove-top) yum
Popcorn!! Yum!
Beer and popcorn
Foot long hotdog with extra onion and hot chocolate.
Fresh mini-donuts!
Chicken wings and ranch dip!!!!
Popcorn with nacho cheese…
salty snacks!
Ripple chips!
Buttered popcorn and a can of Pepsi to wash it down. Mmm mm.
My son and I love to share popcorn
Sour Cream & Onion Chips!
rippple chips
Nachos…mmm I love that cheese:)