Grind for Kids 2011

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

The Grouse Grind officially opened for the season on Saturday as Vancouverites and visitors alike took to the 2.9 kilometer trail that goes right up Grouse Mountain. Known locally as “Mother Nature’s Stairmaster”, this 30 degree ascent is either on the bucket list of many or a part of their weekly routine.

Baden Powell Trail
Photo credit: planetc1 on Flickr

For those who plan on doing the Grind more than once this summer, you can make each count by signing up for Grind for Kids. You can sign up through the BC Children’s Hospital Foundation and have friends, family, and co-workers pledge/sponsor you for each Grind you complete this summer. Registration is $20 and with that you’ll receive your own timer and the chance to win some great prizes. Not only will you be partaking in a classic West Coast feat (and getting some amazing exercise) you can help out the BC Children’s Hospital in the process.

Grouse Mountain

Once you reach the top of the Grind, you can stay for a bite to eat at the lodge, and hop the Skyride back down after you’ve caught your breath (and done some stretching after the haul up the hill). Be sure to wear appropriate footwear and clothing and do not walk back down the trail. Stay safe this summer and read all trail advisories, updates, and alerts.

Find out more about the Grind for Kids on their website or Twitter

1 Comment  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. Grouse MountainMonday, June 13th, 2011 — 1:06pm PDT

    Thanks for the support everyone that takes part in Grind for Kids this summer! And thanks to Miss 604 for putting this out there.

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